Cybernetic Possum's Recent Forum Activity

  • Love this concept!!

    I’m really liking all the work you have done so far and the artwork and fx are really cool. The dialogue system works really well and I love how you have the rabbits face profiled on the left hand side.

    I’m still really new to construct but will be posting my own stuff up here soon for others to reflect on.

    I just wanted to throw this out to you to maybe help with a few story or game play ideas. Two things you may consider for resources are:

    1. An animated feature from 1978 called Watership Down. It’s very close to the way you are portraying your characters and may have a few good ideas you could use. It’s originally a book but I’m sure you could find the video pretty easily.

    2. I ran into this game when I was a teenager on the Commodore 64 game system called Below the Root which was oddly also based off a book. The game play was rather interesting as it was kind of a puzzle platformer where you didn’t have the option to fight (if I’m remembering correctly). You had to go off of what others were feeling to determine their motives. Just something I thought you may find interesting.

    Anyways, looking forward to seeing more of your game.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • wretchedshark

    Hey, that worked great! Thank you so much!

    Not sure how I missed that "running" animation part. Doh!

    Thanks again!

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  • Thanks for the response WretchedShark.

    I tried that and still I get the problem.

    The way to reproduce the problem Im getting, is to walk up to a wall and continue to press the key in the direction your going and press the up button to jump. You will then see bonk still moves but his walking animation stops and hes stuck in a standing animation.

    Im sure its fixable, just not sure of the event to use to fix it.

  • Hi everyone!

    Im new to C2 but Im learning thru tutorials from the site and on youtube.

    I've followed some instructions on creating a platformer and it is going pretty well. Just for practice Im creating the first level of Bonks Adventure from scratch. Learning to load in sprites and setting up events has been very intuitive so far.

    The problem I am having currently is with his animations. If you just move left and right he does his walk animation flawless. The problem comes when jumping and especially jumping after being up against a wall.

    I followed the tutorial the best I could and it seems right but the animation just seems to freeze up and return to the standing animation and it looks like Bonk is just gliding across the floor.

    Im sure its something simple, but I can seem to get it right. Here is the link to the .capx file:

    If anyone could have a quick look at this and tell me what I may have done wrong and how to avoid this in the future, I'd really appreciate it.


Cybernetic Possum's avatar

Cybernetic Possum

Member since 1 Feb, 2013

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