castor2d's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi justifun, I got your PM but cannot reply as my rep is below 500. Thanks for the really nice message. We can't dedicate more resources to this immediately but we are putting it on our roadmap and we hope to have it in the next couple months. I'll update here when we have more info on this.

  • Sounds good, thanks for all the info. Hoping to get a chance to dive into this soon!

  • That actually makes sense, we do need to compartmentalize a little better, that'd help with the gl-matrix issue. I'll take a better look at the would be nice if we could play nice with the internal batching but the render order requirements may not allow for that. Having to restore the state after each Nima character renders is a shame (especially if the next render is another Nima character) but we can at least start there and see what can be done better later. For example, is there an abstracted render pipeline we could plug into? We might have to lose our hardware skinning, but it might provide better performance for simple characters and would probably allow for custom shaders (which I think I saw Construct allows).

    Thanks for the feedback!

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  • Hi All,

    I'm the developer over at I'm very new to Construct but I love the concept and am excited to see another team with similar vision. dante, thanks for bringing our attention to Construct!

    As a lot of you have noticed, we're missing documentation. That's part of why we're still in beta. We're working on that! Our tool is a high quality professional grade tool which will have a little bit of a learning curve as it offers a wealth of features (with many more planned) behind a minimalist and clean UI.

    R0J0hound thanks for already taking a look at our runtimes! We will get to supporting Construct as soon as we are more familiar with the product. We'd love to provide a fully integrated plugin. If anyone is interested in speeding this along, we'd like to work closely with those individuals and provide them all the feedback and information they need on how our runtimes work. If Construct exposes the WebGL context, then we shouldn't have much trouble at all.

    Alternatively, if someone wants to point us in the right direction in regards to what features and integrations are necessary for a good plugin, we'd be very receptive to that as well.

    Looking forward to working with Construct!

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Member since 29 Mar, 2017

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