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    Basically, the on-screen behavior seems to be using a larger window than what is set in construct (and shown in the browsers). Internet Explorer has no issues with this.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Place sprites in layout

    2. Give sprites instance variable.

    3. Create event to change instance variable when sprite is on-screen.

    4. Change Fullscreen in browser setting

    Observed result:

    With 5 different sprites arranged vertically (3 onscreen) and 5 sprites arranged horizontally (3 onscreen)

    Number of sprites acknowledged as on-screen(Chrome/Firefox/IE)

    Fullscreen: Off - Horizontal: 3/3/3   Vertical: 3/3/3

               Crop - Horizontal: 4/4/4   Vertical: 5/3/5

              Scale - Horizontal: 5/5/4   Vertical: 4/4/3

    Letterbox Scale - Horizontal: 4/4/3   Vertical: 4/4/3

                LIS - Horizontal: 3/4/3   Vertical: 3/4/3

    Expected result:

    Number of sprites acknowledged as on-screen(Chrome/Firefox/IE)

    Fullscreen: Off - Horizontal: 3/3/3   Vertical: 3/3/3 Correct!

               Crop - Horizontal: 4/4/4   Vertical: 5/3/5 Correct!

              Scale - Horizontal: 4/4/4   Vertical: 3/3/3

    Letterbox Scale - Horizontal: 3/3/3   Vertical: 3/3/3

                LIS - Horizontal: 3/3/3   Vertical: 3/3/3

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:

    r119 (64-bit)

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  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create 2 different sprites

    2. Give 1 sprite Solid behavior

    3. Put sprite with Solid behavior into a family

    4. Give family the Bullet behavior

    5. Give non-solid sprite the Bullet behavior

    6. Set both the Family's bullet behavior and the non-solid sprite's bullet behavior to the same speeds (50 in the example .capx)

    7. Run

    Observed result:

    Sprite(in family) with Solid behavior will move twice as fast as sprite without solid behavior when both have their bullet speeds set the same (50 in this case).

    Expected result:

    Both sprites should move at the same speed.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes


    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:

    version 119 (64-bit)

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Member since 17 Jan, 2013

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