Kraudi's Recent Forum Activity

  • Pixel style doesn't really looking good on the screenshots because of the downsizing.

    Here are three items I have just added

    Not the best pixel sprites so far but as I have very little time for making those I'm ok with it for now

  • Just completed the inventory system for my wilderness survival game. You can now also drop & pick up items again.

  • Wilderness survival game.

  • Any updates from this game?


    Not the past week. Had some other stuff to do in personal life. I think at the end of the week I will continue to work on some things

    I was only doing some AI stuff and ran into some problems FPS wise. When there are >10 zombies in range the fps drops way below a playable status. So that could may be a problem. Looks Iike I have to find a more efficient way to use AI.

  • Kraudi Well, i can't wait for the next update

    Also i meant to scale the size of the loot, because it's a little bit small that's it!

    Sorry I totally misunderstood tnx!

  • Kraudi That's great to hear!, Here some of the things that i think you should optimize or add:

    -Scale the loot on the ground a little bit?

    -When you chop trees it gives random amount of logs between (1-3) and maybe a plank

    -Also a sound effect when trees are cut?

    Keep it up!

    EDIT: Also you should rename the "Food" bar to "Hunger" and so when the hunger bar reaches maximum you lose health over time and die and maybe a similiar "Thirst" bar?

    Also are you considering Music in the game?, because i think it's gonna be a great addition.

    I found a bug with the bars:


    Thank you for the nice feedback

    • Music would be very nice indeed. Will see what is possible without a budget.

    • It's just not yet implented that when the bars are at 0, that they stop and your health are slowly getting down. Will change that soon

    • Im not sure yet about loot. Right now it's placed manual. Would love to have some kind of random loot spots

    • The chop thing is interesting. Right now it drops a log and after that you can't get anything left from the tree. The tree doesn't disappear because that way the map would look very empty when you chop down all trees Maybe it just drops 1-3 logs and after that you just can't chop the tree again.

  • played v2 again...

    things i noticed:

    cant find "close-map" button ^^

    left hand should be down if there´s no flashlight or else...

    crafting hint (hover) is different to the others

    maybe you should use the noise-fx to warn the player (enemys arround) and not always

    i really miss some soundeffects ^^

    Thanks for feedback

    • Map is completely changed in next version. Close button will be there for sure Right now press M again to close.

    • Animations will be changed at a later points

    • Crafting ui is slightly changed now. Instead of icons you will have a text based list where you can select what you want to draft

    • Some sound effects will be added the next couple of days. Already have about 10 new sounds in repertoire

    Kraudi i think you should just put fences around the area you can't walk on, because it's too dark and sometimes i walk and i don't know if i'm really walking or not when i reach the place that i can't walk on or through.

    You are right. There will be fences around the map:) Thanks will be added to one of the next updates.

    These changes are some things I've worked on and finished!

    • Added pistol and ammo

    • Added axe (as weapon or to chop trees)

    • Added screwdriver as weapon

    • You can chop trees (Gives 1 Log right now)

    • Zombies can now be killed (Infight or with pistol) **Very work in progress**

    • You can now die (At the end the game tells you how long you have survied)

    • Added map

    • Added stamina

    • Player speed slightly increased

    There are also some more zombies on the map. Should be about 15 (in v2 was only 3). I am still working on the AI and they are still work in progress. Also don't wonder that the map isn't much filled yet. It is about 15-20% complete.

  • Your maps seem to be really big! Is there any way to travel faster once nearly everything is discovered?

    Map is at 10.000 in both directions. It sounds big but it really isn't it when you can walk in nearly 2-3 mins to the other side of the map. I may let the player explore other maps as well as Construct 2 can't handle maps like 30.000. Haven't decided yet and I firstly need to figure out what I can do with C2 limitations.

    Edit: Pistol and Ammo added Shooting does also work.

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  • Map system is now fully implented.

    I don't want it to be as easy as in most other games where you have a complete map right from the start.

    This map system records all ways you are walking with your character and shows it on a map.

    I may keep track of buildings you were in. Haven't decided.

    You can see at which points of the map you already were and which you were not. Simple but serve the purpose.

  • i love the style. game play feels a little bit slow (even for this "realistic" kind of game) but its my personal opinion.

    whats about the players mental status? fear, panic, etc.? that would be cool ^^

    really nice project

    Thank you

    Player mental status sounds cool. Maybe with some antidepresiva pills you can loot

  • Looks a bit like my project for the survival aspect, nicely done! I also like the artstyle.

    This is my project:

    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> I have also seen your game over at IndieDB quite some time ago. Really interesting what you can do with C2 <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Good luck with it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • Kraudi Well i'd like to see some guns, like a pistol or something, and maybe a Stamina bar?

    Well, i think that's it for now, i ran out of good ideas, i'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas for the game

    Stamina bar is on the way. You can already walk quicker while pressing Shift. I also plan that the max stamina can raise over the time.

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