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  • Yes it refill from 0 to 5

    Basically I use variable I did not make any changes in my appodeal account... my point is just show reward video as normal

    Hmm.. So basically you just showing video ads and make your own variable to be stored later if it already finished ?

  • in my game Sudoku Nano click hint 3 time then watch a ads for a refill i use appodeal

    download Sudoku Nano on look if that is what u want to do

    Yours just showing a video ads. I didn't get a hint from watching your video ads.

  • Do you have any experience with rewarded ads ? If so how did you store the reward to the user ?

    By the way your website links doesn't explain specifically about rewarded ads. :/

  • I'm new with rewarded ads (actually no experience with ads). So this is my first time.

    In appodeal I have to create something called segment which we can set the amount of rewards given to the player.

    And then I call it when RewardedVideoFinished event triggered.

    But I have no idea how to get the amount of reward from segment and store it to the global variable. :/

  • I've created segment and ready to reward the user for watching the video ads but I don't know how to store the amount of reward that I set in segment to the user.

    Anyone want to share your experience with this problem ?

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  • Just make the features you want to be separated modular (so you can swhich them on/off with a variable).

    Thanks for the reply. I think I can understand what you mean.

    I forgot to ask how to make payment system in my game ? Or is it categorized as IAP ?

  • Hi, I want to make 2 version games. One is free version but contains ads and lacks of features and the second one is pro version that doesn't contains ads with full feature.

    Is there any way to make something like this ?


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