I want to make 2 versions of game

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From the Asset Store
A simple Map Editor that where you can edit a map with restriction or totally. You can save and load the map created.
  • Hi, I want to make 2 version games. One is free version but contains ads and lacks of features and the second one is pro version that doesn't contains ads with full feature.

    Is there any way to make something like this ?


  • Just make the features you want to be separated modular (so you can swhich them on/off with a variable).

  • Just make the features you want to be separated modular (so you can swhich them on/off with a variable).

    Thanks for the reply. I think I can understand what you mean.

    I forgot to ask how to make payment system in my game ? Or is it categorized as IAP ?

  • Just make the features you want to be separated modular (so you can swhich them on/off with a variable).

    lets say your second version exclusively uses certain

    c2 objects | sprite frames | sprite animation | game icon

    then there is no easy way to load those dynamically by using a c2 variable

    1) all sprites pngs must be downloaded to the device when the game launches (you can load from url, but then cant use ImagePoint)

    2) you cant remove object instances from a layout before its loaded (cant dynamically build a layout)

    3) cannot dynamically change game loading icon file (can be fixed by editing the exported file)

    4) cannot remove animations and frames from a sprite, before its loaded

    i hope this will change one day. wink* wink*

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  • Go right ahead.

    I made 2 versions of my game.

    One for Android 4.0, one for Android 5.0

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