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  • Hi all,

    - Save a new version of the project often so you can go back if you mess something up

    Instead of doing that, use Git / SVN, way more professional, but mostly important, a bazillion times safer and manageable <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> "There is no software development without a control version system".

  • No problem, Erik, it was easy to find :)

    Anyway my game hasn't been approved yet. <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • My application got refused because they say the application icon appears as a question mark. But I reviewed all the submission process steps and in no place there is mentioned a way to setup the icon, only the store icon.

    Here is the message: "Please fix the following issue and resubmit your application as a new release.

    After installing your application on the BlackBerry Dev Alpha, we notice the application icon appears as a question mark. If you are using our Eclipse plug-in, please check your BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml file and ensure you are specifying your custom application icon correctly. If you still require assistance, please post in our App World Development support forums here: "

    How can I set it while exporting the game with Construct?

    EDIT: I think I solved it. I added to config.xml:

    <icon src="icon-150.png" /> (and of course the file icon-150.png)

    And submitted the new app. Let's hope for an approval.

  • WaterlooErik - I tried it again and it comes up with an error saying "Code signing request failed because this version of the application or package has been previously signed. Please increment the version<s> and try signing again."

    Also sent you the email.

    Change the version number in the config.xml:


    Just add a 1 in the end like that. (worked for me right now);

  • Actually I saw your earlier message regarding Lou Gazzola and he just approved my document :)

  • @WaterlooErik: thanks for the guides, really straightforward!

    I successfully packaged a game right now. Unfortunately I didn't know the Vendor Portal had a manual document verification process. I hope my document is verified before I run out of time for the Port-a-Thon.

  • Thank you, thehen.

    I'm a heavy Corona SDK and Unity developer and I'm really used to switching graphics according to resolution.

    Using the highest resolution image for all devices seems overkill. What about a crowded game running on an iPhone 3? I can't image an iPhone 3 game with a 2048x1536 background scaled down at runtime. Or even worst, a low cost Android phone? With individual images, I can easily export a 480x320 for these devices and they won't use a huge 2048px image. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello,

    I wonder how should I provide Construct 2 with graphics when working with Retina displays?

    I'm building an iOS App and I'd like to know what is the workflow to have high-res graphics for retina displays and low-res versions to normal displays?

    I'm used with other frameworks in which we have 3 base files with naming suffix that specifies which resolution is the image in, then the framework just load the appropriate image (that avoids using a huge image for lower resolution devices, saving a lot of memory. It doesn't scale images either, because it uses the appropriate image in the exact resolution):


    spritesrjs@2x.png (iPhone 4+)

    spritesrjs@4x.png (iPad 3+)

    The documentation isn't clear about this:

    It just states how to turn support for Retina on/off, not how graphics should be provided.

    Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks for the replies guys. Nice to see other experienced programmers around here :)

    By the way I just noticed one of the team members, Paulo Ricardo is from my city in Brazil (Curitiba, PR) - That's cool, because first I wouldn't imagine someone from Brazil in the team even less one from my city.

  • Hello,

    I just want to provide a quick feedback about Construct 2: I'm a freelancer game developer where I have developed games using all kinds of languages and engines (from C, C++ to HTML 5). Most of the games I worked on were made with Unity or Corona SDK. I even have a Corona SDK product, which I sell through my site.

    For a recent iOS and Android small game project that had a very short deadline I was going with Corona SDK, because Corona already allows rapid prototype and multiplatform development.

    But I decided to try Construct 2 and the result was amazing:

    • I completed and published the game in 5 days (in Corona SDK I expected around 12 days) - note: the graphics were finished before starting the development.
    • Game performance is great.
    • Additional publishing platforms (browsers and even desktop). Only iOS and Android was expected, but I surprised the client.

    I'm sold and already got my license. I'm thinking in baking something for the Construct 2 community too.

    Note: I'm not saying one engine is better than another, but now I'm decided to make most of my smaller contracts with Construct 2. I may even risk some bigger games, because being able to create and edit existing behaviors on the fly is really cool.

    Thank you.

  • The demo worked great here. As a "native programmer" (C++, Objective-C, etc) I'm really excited to change the way I produce games and exporting a binary file is the last thing I need before choosing Construct2 completely.

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Member since 2 Jan, 2013

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