I'm making a children's book app. I have a bear I've animated in CTA5. Its massive at 1080 x 1920. Just this one animation makes the game 1GB in size.
I've not been able to find help (I'm used to rendering in 4k for video :D ) on how to animate my characters without the massive size. How do I make/animate a vector character with low footprint size for my C3 apps?
Is there a size tutorial, theory, that helps one understand how to animate to optimize for the game size? Even if I shrink the assets in my animation software, its still massive.
How can I use SVG graphics from illustrator, to have smaller footprint size on animations.
I have 8 characters to animate 8 sequences each. Just the png transparent exports on one of these characters, optmized and sized down is almost 500mb..., I've got 64 more to go, and I'm already at 500mb in size...
Please help. The attached image shows 1805 MB and I've only replaced one of my placeholder characters with one sequence of 8 animations, and have 8 more characters X 8 sequences to go.
How do I approach this in C3?