5-15-15 Demo 0.1.5 alpha UPDATE Devlog
Okay, it has been a minute and I haven't posted as much as I would like. But I promise it's worth it.
Last time I posted I talked about the feedback and changes I would be making based on said feedback. I based my decisions on what to change and rethink based on the frequency of a particular issue or request. I tackled the insanely long “game over†issue and updated immediately, so people wouldn't have to wait every time they died. That was the single most brought up issue.
Player Directional issue :
Artwork is updated and all in game. I added an aggressive look and backpack to 505. The addition of the backpack brought an unexpected idea and implementation to the game... The 'Holo-Spawn' A friend said “it would be neat to get an extra life and then your backpack would be able to drop a re-spawn pointâ€
Holo-Spawn : (WIP)
Now when you collect an extra life by finding the secret room just right of the first elevator by shooting the blocks repeatedly – yes seeing if people actually read my **** cause, I just gave away a secret <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> The light on your backpack will turn from red to green – then you can hold the B button or C key for 2 seconds and drop a Holo-Spawn point. This will save your progress from that point on. When you die after dropping a spawn point you re-spawn at that point. If you don't drop a spawn point you start back at the beginning of the level and no progress is saved.
HUD Useless Info Issue :
The new HUD changes are now updated, in game, and working. I was at first a bit leery on this change because I really liked the balance of the symmetric HUD prior, but in terms of information and real-estate this new layout is much more efficient and useful. Brief explanation below.
Frick'n “Lasers†:
I wanted a couple more obstacles so I added some frick'n lasers to the mix. They are old school in function, they all fir in unison and are timed. I like them. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
Bigger Levels & Insta-deaths :
It's still only one level at the moment, but it's massive. 4X bigger than the previous. I got rid of the bottomless pits, but kept spikes and crushers. I'm not going to get into the “shooters shouldn't have this or that†Show me a rule book and perhaps I may follow it.
Desktop Exports (YAY!) :
I have exported versions of the new demo for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I am unable to Linux builds, but I am using NW.js 12 and from what I have read Ubuntu and other distros should be supported. If you find any errors or run into issues on install, just let me know so I can attempt to resolve it.
Other than that, I polished and refined some artwork. Adding directional signaling on the elevators, when they are returning to let the player know what is going on. I also added a tiny bit of parallax to the background texture to give it a bit more depth. There are a few more things but minor in detail, perhaps you'll spot or hear them.
I have a laundry list of other things to work on, but as people are playing I want to keep the build current in hopes to get ideas and inspiration to keep chugging along.
Game Links :
Desktop Versions : itch.io : http://bit.ly/1F4noDY Just go to bottom of page
Online Version - Scirra Arcade : https://www.scirra.com/arcade/shooting- ... 5-demo-138