jaceace01's Recent Forum Activity

  • So where are we on this subject in 2017 ? I'm going to purchase a personal license but if publishing to iOS and Android platforms is all but easy, I'll reconsider my investment...

    Agreed. And programming a game without code! Love 2017!!!!

  • yea. I like it. Very nice and pretty polished.

  • I've been trying to build a decent APK for 5 days now.

    I've developed apps on the android market. Not with C2 - since it is an HTML5 editor. C2 would be best suited for website gaming. My advice, pick up a book on android game development that has a nice game engine within the pages. Follow the book. And bam! You got an android game. I created my first one in under a week. Can C2 create android apps? Sure. Is it the proper tool? Who am I to say. But if your tired of trying, I suggest my advice.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    Honestly, market dictates everything. I wouldn't bother coming up with alternate methods. It's hard to speculate at this point even what the end product looks like let alone the billing aspect. One thing I know above all else. hobbyist will not be buying a subscription just to play around with making simple games (ok they might buy a month or two - it wont be long term). Those that do buy a subscription will be those who are attempting to profit on the making of video games. Thus, C3 will have to deliver on the ability to create a video game and to make a profit. The cost of a subscription wouldn't matter if you are making money with your video game. That's a must for C3. Otherwise, the subscription billing will create a vacuum. If the users of C3 will be unable to generate a profit by making games, they will not subscribe. C3 will have to change their billing methods to attract those who use it for learning and hobby. Either way the market will dictate. A subscription rate will only work if C3 delivers the success of people making a living with their games.

  • I haven't tried yet but I would like to hear from the veteran's on how its done successful for when I get to that stage.

  • Downloads do not translate to monitization. Ive made free apps. Make no money. Are these all monitized money making apps? Sounds like they are...

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  • Are there any Construct 2 Masters right now using it to monetize on the markets? If so, do they use all these 3rd party plugins? Or did they develop their own? The community Construct 2 masters could pool together with their knowledge and build plugins. Plugins created by the community for the community. We the community could fix this problem ourselves. Unless there are no Construct 2 masters.

  • I know I'm new here. I've bought, experimented, and played with many game making programs. I am getting my feet wet with C2 as we speak. From everything I read. Scirra has been pretty straight forward as to what they offer. So far, I am impressed with C2. I always say use the software that is the easiest to use and gets the job done. I am a windows and xbox one developer as well. I voted for C3 to port to Xbox One. That would be great. As far as I am aware, HTML5 will only use one processing core, if you were to create a game and launch it on Xbox One, you probably will only have access to one processing core. Does that matter? Does your game require more processing power? Many questions exist when you make a game. Everything I have read leads to a lot of great things coming in the future with C3. It appears the creator's of C2 and the future of C3 are active. The forums are super active. I have been very impressed with the community. Keep giving the creators of C2/C3 advice. Let them know what you want, what you need and keep supporting each other as a community and I believe the question of Trust will be answered. Monetization is a big thing. They should be aware of this for C3. To build an Xbox One game you will need a Xbox Live account. That's about 60 dollars a year. There are a lot of costs that can arise as you develop games for many systems. That's the price of doing business. A subscription based pricing system is not that big of a deal considering all the costs involved while launching games on multiple systems. Overall, I'm impressed with the community and the product and I am very happy to have joined this community. I vote in Trust Scirra.

  • I was able to recreate the situation and it all worked fine. Make sure to use update every tick and create a layer so your player and whip are not on the background layer. Great answers lamar and blackhornet.

  • Can you post a simple step by step on how to simulate your problem so I may replicate the problem and see what happens.

  • very nice

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Member since 14 Feb, 2017

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