Crebbs's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks! It definitely put my Construct 2 skills to the test I learned a lot though.

  • After many months of hard work, 'A Hare in my Yard' is now available! This was a crazy and fun game to work on, but I'm glad it's finished <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    You can check out information on the game here:

    Here are direct links to the game:

    iOS: ... ?ls=1&mt=8

    Android: ... rabbitgame

    Trailer 1:

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    Trailer 2:

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  • Too bad, I really need something like this asap

  • So I make games with Construct 2 as well because, well that's just what I do now too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> (

    But before I did that (and currently) I've been a composer and sound designer in the gaming industry for over a decade and I've had the chance to work on some big projects when I was an in-house guy (The Darkness II, Halo 4, Dark Sector, Bioshock 2) etc, etc.

    I'm an indie dude now and I'm affordable, so if you need sound/music or even Construct 2 coding help let me know!


  • That should have read 'Originally I've been using just *sprites* instead of a tilemap' <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral">

    To get an idea of what I'm doing you can check out the trailer here:

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    Nothing in that trailer I'm able to do with a tilemap (for the dirt) because I need to be able to destroy more than one at a time... but I mentioned that already <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • Sorry if this has been answered before as there seems to be a lot of variation in the forums on using tilemaps and collision and destroying tiles.

    Right now in my game I can destroy a tile in a tilemap by checking the X, Y of the collision (tilemap.PositionToTileX(collidingSprite.X) against the X, Y of the tile and destroying that tile no problem.

    But checking X/Y is one point, thus one tile at a time even if you're overlapping more than one tile. It's checking just the X/Y position of the overlapping collision rather than EVERYTHING that the collision is touching.

    Originally I've been using just tiles instead of a tilemap and it works perfectly and I get a solid 60fps on desktop and 60+ fps on Android. It's my iOS builds that suffer because of too many collision checks (forced to use iOS 8 builds atm as it's the only way to get a decent framerate). Using a tilemap reduces the checks by a huge margin, but I just can't get it to work the way I need it to.

    Any thoughts?


  • Our first 'Introduction Trailer' for 'A Hare in my Yard', which is about 90% complete. Coming out first on iOS and Android followed by PC/Mac/Linux! We're going to add 2 player local co-op to the non-mobile version of the game. Hopefully we can make it through a Steam Greenlight campaign as well! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    There will be a dedicated game page which will be online in a couple of days but for now here's the direct link to the trailer:

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  • I'll send an email as well but you can check out my portfolio:


  • Google sent out a warning regarding this I believe that as of August 1 their services code would be updated and apps that supported outdated versions wouldn't be allowed to be uploaded to the store. Sorry, really just paraphrasing here as I don't remember the exact details

    But I guess you can set a higher version in CocoonJS or use my fix above since I tried it on an update for my game and it worked fine. I haven't tried just using a higher OS target in CJS yet.

  • Wasn't sure where to put this and this might be a weak post since I'm just figuring this out now.

    If you upload an APK to Google Play created with CocoonJS as of August 1, 2014 you'll probably get this error:

    "You uploaded an APK that uses Google Play services version 4242000. This will only work with Android API levels of 9 and above. This cannot be published in Google Play unless you have set the minSdkVersion in your manifest to 9 or higher."

    To fix this you're going to need to decode your APK file, edit the AndroidManifest.XML file, encode the APK file and then sign it.

    To decode your apk you'll need apktool.

    Grab these files: ... ot.tar.bz2 ... .2.tar.bz2

    You'll need to add the .exe and .jar file(s) to your Windows system path, or if you're like me just dump the contents of both archives to where your java.exe file is.

    Decode APK:

    java -jar apktool.jar decode <APP_NAME.apk> <PATH AND FOLDER NAME FOR DECODED APK> (example c:\android\decoded_apk\)

    Edit the AndroidManifest.XML file and add this line in the 'uses' list:

    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" android:targetSdkVersion="16"/>

    Encode APK:

    java -jar apktool.jar build <PATH AND FOLDER NAME TO DECODED APK> <PATH AND NEW APP NAME>.apk (example C:\android\my_game_new_encoded.apk)

    Now just sign it as you normally would and you should be able to upload it to Google Play now.

    Thanks to all the info on the internet I borrow this information from! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I hope this makes sense <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Caution: I think this may increase the min OS version required from 2.2 to 2.3, so hopefully that doesn't hurt anyone's user base. Not 100% sure on that change though, just something I read!

  • Thanks!

    Well I probably picked a poor resolution to use for iOS because it doesn't quite scale properly using Ejecta, so I had to fake it by making the background black. Using Cocoonjs's 'Stretch to Fill' option works perfectly though (using it for Android).

    For both web and mobile my screen resolution is 640x960 (4th gen iPod even though I was using a 5th gen for dev). My fullscreen in browser setting is 'Letterbox Scale', and 'Unbounded scrolling' is set to 'Yes'.

  • Our little game from Idea Moose Entertainment ( called 'Udder Flap: When Cows Fly!' available now on the App Store (Google Play coming soon!)!/id885310273?mt=8

    Here's some poorly played game play from the web browser version of the game which we'll have out soon as well most likely on Kongregate:

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Member since 18 Dec, 2012

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