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  • I've been using Construct 2 for well over a year now and I've been meaning to post in this group for ages but never really got around to it until now.

    Let's see... I too grew up during the 'Golden Age of Gaming' and though I loved the NES we never had one in the house until much later. So we were DOS kids. King's Quest, Space Quest, all the Quest games and so on. Pretty much got my love for games and game music from them. We used to rent an NES all the time as well so games like Punch Out and River City Ransom were huge hits for my brother and I (probably why we're doing this But that's another story not related to my Construct 2 life

    So anyway fast forward a bunch of years, I became a sound designer and composer for video games and I've spent over a decade doing just that as a career ( Then I got laid off from my full-time position creating sound effects and I went freelance and did a few games (and continue to work as a freelance audio dude if anyone's interested).

    I started my own game company called Idea Moose Entertainment ( and came across Construct 2 from someone who followed me on Twitter. I was hooked because at that point I was knee deep in coding on XNA.

    We just released our first small game on the App Store called 'Udder Flap: When Cows Fly!' (!/id885310273?mt=8) and we'll have an Android version out soon (once I get the Cocoonjs plugin stuff working for the achievements and leaderboards). Actually the website was done in Construct as well for the company site now that I think about it

    Anyway, I think that's it. Sorry if I rambled on

    Advice for people wanting to get into the game industry, I guess I would say just do your own thing. It's better here

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  • Hopefully iOS 8 will fix that

  • [quote:1c0lqoyl]How to deactivate this?

    I think this is the problem vor memory waringings and app crashed and slowdowns.

    I had this problem too. I don't think you can turn it off but you can significantly decrease the time it takes to complete.

    If you're still having this problem turn off WebGL before you export. Then when you switch layouts you'll still get a slight pause on first load but after that it will switch very quickly.

    At least this method worked for me. It may also help to reduce your quality settings. But by far WebGL was the biggest culprit with my project.

  • Yeah, completely busted for me too. I'm guessing this is also affecting my ability to use CocoonJS Webview+ for Android apps.

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Member since 18 Dec, 2012

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