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  • downscaling on project properties, on one is set to medium on the other to high, don't use high, not recommended.

  • He's right, shift+crop only works for default edges crop, it doesn't work for selection crop.

  • you can get the rgb color with overlapping mouse using the unofficial canvas plugin, not sure on how to set the mesh color though.

  • Thanks for answering, i figured as much, i was just checking to get my bases covered, cheers!

  • if i am adding a long string key to a dictionary and have a switch layout action right after, does the switching happens after the key is completely added or should i wait in between and check to confirm the values before switching?

  • so just use the condition: isOverlapping

    or you can check the distance between them

    if distance(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,spirte2.x,spirte2.y) < 20

  • on drop

    if sprite1 overlaps sprite2

    sprite1 set position to spirte2

    sprite1 set drag&drop disabled

  • I am not sure that's what you're referring to, but i had a problem with adding keys with global numbers as keys without stringing them first, they were just not added to dictionary.

    Do you see all the data in the dictionary UserSession in debug mode, before you're saving it?

  • so have two vars 'level' 'nextLevel', set level to the right level at the beginning of each level and then when you finish set 'nextLevel' to level+1

    or to be exact set it to max(nextLevel,level+1), so if you'll reach level 10 and go back to play level 1 it won't return to 2.

  • if your levels are linear, you can just add a var 'level' starting at 1 and add 1 to it when you finish a level.

    then save it to webstorage - add key="level" value=level.

    if not i recommend you add a dictionary instead of pre-adding all the levels as vars (may be a lot of them) and push a key to it every time you finish a level - add key="level"&level (value doesn't matter, if you want to keep an extra state of the level you can write it in the value, i usually write down another json in the value with all my data).

    then save this dictionary to json to webstorage.

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  • cranberrygame Yes i did, the problem is in crosswalk, in chrome on android it works.

  • cranberrygame I tried construct's official usermedia plugin, it didn't work, do you have a phopnegap plugin for it or is there any work around i should do to make it work?

    I am talking about a crosswalk export, not web.

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Headbang Games

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