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  • I'm not sure if it helps, but I made a test with Pode HTML Div plugin.

    I added a video tag with the same video file, made it preload and let it play and it doesn't hang, memory and cpu usage are normal.

    It's a hack-y work around, but it's better than having your game crash, at least until this issue is resolved.

    here's the example:


    This is the DIV plugin:


  • Nope, the official greenwork api doesn't support Leaderboards.

    From what I understand they have no plans on adding it.

    I also learned that there is a web api for it, but basically anyone can post to it, which makes the entire leaderboards system unreliable and hack-able.


  • Ashley

    I know you don't take feature requests for C2, but I was wondering if it's possible to have video.playbackRate action added to the video plugin?

    I added it myself, it's pretty straight forward and from my testings works fine on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and NWjs, but I don't want to maintain my own copy of the plugin or an extra behavior for one little action.


  • I see, so I tested it, still crashing with autoplay set to 'NO' and source load on button click.

  • Thanks man, I'm following the issue on git.

    I don't think that manually triggering a video with a button is relevant, even if it works. nobody wants to click a button to see a cut-scene ;)

  • > TheRealDannyyy


    > I can confirm this is also happening in the latest 31.5 version of NWjs, I don't see they have any opened issues about this, can we post this bug with a construct exported example?


    > BTW, it looks like a memory leak, the process jumps by 1GB every second, till it can't take any more.

    Randomly checked the bugs section to find out that I didn't receive a notification, thx new forums!

    I will look into this when I got the time and create a bug report, if Ashley doesn't do it before me of course. Could one of you guys please confirm that this bug doesn't occur in NWjs v0.28.0?

    I figured as much...

    This actually starts at 30.0, up until 29.4 there were no issues.

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  • TheRealDannyyy

    I can confirm this is also happening in the latest 31.5 version of NWjs, I don't see they have any opened issues about this, can we post this bug with a construct exported example?

    BTW, it looks like a memory leak, the process jumps by 1GB every second, till it can't take any more.

  • I don't know how much we should bother with OSX and Linux releases on Steam, according to their survey, they're both together represent less than 3.5% of the total users on Steam.

    And though Linux is just 0.5% I got more engagement from their community on Steam than OSX.


  • Update!

    I noticed in the debugger that the ShadowLight object's position is centered to the viewport in runtime, so it's probably saved with these values and not the original.

    Fortunately in 'on start of layout' the ShadowLight object position is still not affected, so if I save the X Y of the object, then set it back after loading, it fixes the issue.

  • Problem Description

    ShadowLight object broken after loading (official save action), only if switching layouts in between.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    2 layouts, using keyboard nums 1-3 to trigger events.

    key 1 - saves, on saved complete switching layout, on start of layout loading saved game.

    key 2 - saves, on saved complete loading saved game without layout switching.

    key 3 - restarts layout.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Press 1 on the keyboard to trigger the event, see that the shadows flips.
    • Press 3 on the keyboard to restart layout, shadow is displayed correctly.

    Observed Result

    The shadow flips, in my case it gets even more broken.

    Expected Result

    Shadows should render the same after loading, perhaps a 're-render shadows' action to run on load complete, or just do it automatically.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 Pro

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Stable Release (r259)

  • Ashley Great, thanks for the quick response!

  • Ashley What do you say about this, do we need --disable-software-rasterizer for anything?

    I don't mind waiting for the next nwJS release.

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