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  • Making a sample project with just these object will probably change how the sprite sheets are created.

    Here are all the refrences to this object, it is used in all the castles and the main game layout and also in the challenges layout, they are not created dynamically anywhere.

  • In this is the other way around, because they are already on the layout they get on the sprite, but the wrong one.

    What about giving us the option to select on which sprite sheet it will fit and we'll decide what is important where?

  • I have this challenge selection screen with high res icons.

    I'm using one of the game's background objects for the background decoration of this screen (the mountain).

    I don't use any of the icons during the game itself.

    This is one example, I have like 3 large filled sheets with just one small object I really use in gameplay.

    I'm sure that's not efficient for the game.

    Other then removing that mountain from the challenges screen and creating it in run-time (which in turns cause legs in image loading), which if I understand right suppose to remove it from this sheet, is there another way I can handle this kind of cases?


  • Ok, this is surely a bug..

    I noticed that I was passing the numbers as strings to begin with, like so "3".

    So I changed it into numbers and I didn't get an error message when I tried to convert, but it didn't convert it either.

    Using the find references to function returns nothing, and with a text search I see that the new function event was created one line below the old one, but that line of code is not appearing on the event sheet.

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  • I converted most of my old functions into the new builtin function.

    I have a few function which are sending param 0 as a string and param 1 as a number.

    The auto conversation doesn't allow me to convert this function.

    I tried adding str() on those number, since I only use it as a text anyways. but it didn't help.

    Is there a work around to make the conversion work, or do I need to do it manually?

    Is there a limit to having param 0 as a string and param 1 as a number?

    I also noticed that functions are global now, you can call them from any eventsheet even if they are not attached, is this by design or a bug?


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  • Should I concern myself with changing old function usage on converted projects to new method?

    What about the Kongregate plugin? Do you have access to it?

  • Cool, thanks!

  • When I open a new project in Construct 3 NWjs 193 beta, I can't add the function object to the project.

    When I import old C2 projects that already have the plugin, it works.

    And I see it in the addon manager.

    I also notice that the Kongregate plugin doesn't show up, maybe others too...

    Ashley What can cause this?

  • Hmmm,

    "Memory management now waits for objects created in 'On start of layout' to finish loading before drawing anything"

    So this means, I don't need to do anything?

  • I see, thanks for the info, I will get around to it eventually, when I'll find the time to do all the pasting on tons of layouts.

    But it is nice to know that I can apply a quick fix in the meanwhile with a couple of events, even if it means an extra second or two of loading.

  • Oh cool, this is new!

    So there is a feature I was missing after all :)

    Thanks, I'll give it a go.

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