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  • I see! I think. I shall have a poke around. Thanks!

  • So I'm making a ladder from scratch, using some of the nice tutorials around for inspiration. I can't find mention of this particular thing though.

    The character can move freely on the ladder - up, down and to the sides so he can drop off if wanted. However, I'd like him to slowly move back towards the center of the ladder on his own if I don't touch any movement buttons. Basically, I want a "for each tick, move player 1 pixel towards center of the ladder object"-expression. And I just can't figure out how or where to write it. Anyone got any good ideas?

  • Very newbie, so bear with me. Currently trying to learn the program by making a versatile platform character, and making it do a bit more than the tutorials I've been able to find offer.

    I've successfully implemented a functionality that makes the character impact hard on the ground if he falls for more than 0.7 seconds. I am currently trying to make an animation play at the 0.3 second mark of his fall, where he's supposed to go into an "oh crap"-position mid-air and brace for impact. I just want it to play once and then hang on the last frame, but I seriously cannot make it work. The animation is set to not loop, but it does no matter what approach I can come up with.

    I imagine it is because my setup tells it to keep restarting somehow, but then I am missing a way to send a command just once upon reaching some goal.

    I've attached an image of the jump-setup and would really appreciate any and all input you might have. Thanks in advance.


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  • Heya all! A colleague at work introduced me to this very promising-looking piece of software today, so here I am! Looking forward to delving in and harrassing you all with stupid questions. :)

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Member since 30 Nov, 2012

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