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  • Ah okay. That makes sense and I kind of thought it was something like that. So I guess the only way to avoid that is to make a "pop up window" that is built into the game itself?

  • It needs to be there. Even if it did have the wrap property, destroying it off layer will prevent it from wrapping. If off layout doesn't work for you, try is not visible and see how that does. There's a few options for destroying it. If all else fails, wrap your layout in sprites that exist outside of the viewable layout, and have it destroy when it collides with them.

  • I have a pretty simple argument that I'm trying to implement, but for some reason, the way I have it now requires the player to click an additional time before the game is responsive again.

    So an example, player single clicks on the reset button. The browser pops the window explaining that clicking reset again will erase all local storage. If a player clicks on any other button (or really anywhere inside of the game), the game does not register that input. If the player then clicks a second time (let's say on the reset button again) then the action will take place. Is this a functionality of using a browser pop up to display something to the player, or is something running a second time in the background that I am unaware of?

  • I actually don't see any code that states the bullet is destroyed off screen. Just the line that says it will destroy if it hits Enemy01. Do you have it somewhere else not visible in this screenshot?

  • If you're talking about split screen for multiplayer, there's an official tutorial on that:

  • For your background: I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to achieve. The way I moved my background is by adding in my background image as a tiled background (not a sprite or regular background), and in my case, my background is always scrolling, so I set it to "Set image X offset to Self.ImageOffsetX-120 * dt", which makes it move to the left on its own at a set speed. You can accomplish something similar by tying this logic instead to the inputs to move the player and only move it when the player moves, if that's what you're looking for.

    As for the on-screen UI, you just have to give the things you want to stay locked on the layout the Anchor behavior, and they won't move no matter where you move.

  • Compare Axis is the function I would look at.

    If left Analog X Axis = -100 and left analog y axis = 0 then sprite is whatever frame/s that point it left.

    Repeat seven more times for your eight directions.

    X = 0, Y = 100 (Down)

    X = 0, Y = -100 (Up)

    X = 0, Y = 100 (Right)

    X = 0, Y = -100 (Left)

    X = 100, Y = 100 (Down Right)

    X = 100, Y = -100 (Up Right)

    X = -100, Y = 100 (Down Left)

    X = -100, Y = -100 (Up Left)

    -EDIT- Now that I'm thinking about it, you may want to set these numbers at 1 (or mess with the Comparison), not 100. 100 would mean the sprite wouldn't change unless the stick was all the way pushed. You probably want it to change faster than that.

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  • I know this is a pretty archaic feature as we have online leaderboards that can be utilized via a whole host of methods, but there isn't much talk about this that I can find. Some of the answers I did find were using older methods/functions that aren't used anymore, so being newer, it was hard for me to follow.

    What I'm attempting to do is create a local leaderboard that will save and slot a score up to ten local high scores if for some reason the player isn't online/doesn't want to integrate with Google Play/Game Center. Once the 11th score is achieved, it will replace the lowest score on the board in favor of that score, and finally, will sort them from highest to lowest.

    Where I've gotten in my research is using a few different plugins to make this happen. I have an array called LocalLeaderbaord, the AJAX function for calling that information, and a LocalLeaderbooard.json where the scores are stored. AJAX requests the .json data, the array loads it from the AJAX call, and then I load that data into a Text box.

    However, when I load the data with "Set text to LocalLeaderboard.At(0,0)" or any set of coordinates there, I end up only loading that one cell. That's exactly what it's supposed to do, but it seems really redundant to create 33 text boxes that house one cell of data at a time. I just wanted to make sure before I put in the effort to do that, there wasn't a better way to call this information so that the full array is showing at any one time.

    If not, totally okay, but I realize my lack of experience could make me do something for an hour when it could have been done in ten minutes. :)

    -EDIT- Well, I got a little MORE data, but not enough yet. Using "Set text to LocalLeaderboard.JoinString(" ")" returns the whole first row, so we're making progress. Now I only have to make 11 boxes, and not 33.

  • I'm really new to Construct 3, so my answer may not be the right one here, but for what it sounds like you're trying to achieve, I think you need to use the angles functions in order to make this work. So if your player's angle of movement is greater than 340 but less than 10 degrees (north-ish), you'd show the sprite that shows him facing upwards. Or some variation of that. Repeat for each angle group until you have the sprite facing the direction the player is expected to be going.

    This is assuming that angles starts with 0 at true north, which I THINK it does, but I don't remember.

  • Just circling back to update you all: I was still having a ton of trouble with saving and loading high scores until I realized it wasn't the code about saving and loading, it was my own dumb fault for setting the global variable to 0 each time the game loaded. So no matter what the backend saved the score as, the player always saw 0. Whoops.

    That being said, the core functionality of my game is done, and I've got navigatable menus (even though they are empty). I commissioned a guy to provide me with a few more assets (he worked on the originals too), so I will continue to code the rest as I wait for those, but I'm ridiculously excited to see this come to life. It may be simple, but I have learned so much already off just this one project. I can't wait to do more.

    Thanks to everyone here for the help!

  • Ah; my globals had been setting static by default, so I was missing that it wasn't checked off for local variables. That worked by the way. It's still not *quite* the result I am looking for with my spawns, but it's a start. I think the spawning is honestly going to take up the majority of my time in figuring out because it needs to start out simplistic at first, and progressively get harder, and I'm not quite sure how to achieve that yet.

    As an update, I have now moved to the paid version, as after the core game (which could have probably made it within 50 events), the rest would not, so now I'm just hammering away adding in things that I want to see in this game. It's shaping up to be quite a starter project in C3, but I'm learning so much. The tree sprite trick was super slick though. You'd never know any other way that it wasn't eight separate sprites for the eight tree formations I have.

  • Weird that I cannot edit. Sorry for the double post, but I attempted to try the code and, well, I think we might have miscalculated here LOL. I'm going to play around a bit and see what I come up with, but thought I'd share what ended up happening because it made me laugh.

    Thanks again!

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Member since 10 Jan, 2017

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