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  • Sure its here:

    Click the bottom right button to call the popup. You will see the lag on the popup buttons.

    On e_menus event sheet (line 12) you can see that Im positioning the button text every frame at the same position as the button sprite (buttpon_generic)

  • Well I tried the sub folder re-arrangement idea but that had no effect for me. My objects still have the lag :(

    Unfortunately to pin each object based on offsets from the root object would be ridiculously time consuming just to get around this 'engine' bug, so really that's not an option.

  • So it's based on the order they are added to the project? In my project I added the button text (which is lagging) to the project way after I added the initial sprite (button base) so not sure this is correct. If however this is the case, is there a way to re-order how they were added without having to delete and reimport.

    Btw..surely this is quite a major c3 bug that should be fixed right?

  • Hi, when positioning an object at another object's position every frame (or pinning) everything is working great but if I want to pin that object to an already pinned object (double pin?) the second object will alway lag behind the movement which look bad.

    This is a real pain and it means (to get around this) that for UI elements I am force to illogically organize everything into just a two layered structure and position everything in code at relative offsets. Of course once you introduce different aspect ratios into the mix chaos ensues.

    If the pin behaviour just worked how it should everything would be SO much easier.

    Is there a fix on the horizon for this?

  • I need the game to remember the system time at which you were last playing the game. There are plenty of 'idle' games that do this. I can't expect the player to press an exit button either. Likely they will just close the app with the device buttons or it just suspends.

    Maybe that's the answer..can I detect device button and not quit until it's saved??

    So far though the only way I can think to do it is saving the time every second of so unless there is another way I missed?

    On application end would be perfect of course..

  • I'm using local storage to save but when I do On End Of Layout> Set Item... the data does not get saved. Is this supposed to be possible or should I just keep saving every second? But that seems a bit overkill(?)

  • Apologies, you are correct. I was using CSS Buttons with the pinning. When I switch to just sprites everything works fine. I must remember never to use any of the CSS stuff if it moves. Cheers

  • I'm trying out some pinning and moving but no matter what I try the pinned objects always seem to lag behind the 'parent' object. ANything I should be doing different? I also tried adding everything to a timeline and keyframing them all with the same movement but there is still the lag. It's passable, but doesnt look professional.

  • Doh, I see it now thanks. Plugin is great but it's really missing a horizontal colour gradient feature :(

  • Call me crazy, but where is the actual link to download this? Thanks

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  • Great! Thank You!

  • Is it possible with C3? Some plugin?

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