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  • What kind of performance are we looking at with this now? How many animals could you put in there before it slows down to below say 20fps on 'regular' pc or on mobile devices.

    I'm in a constant mental battle whether to go with something like spine or regular sprite sheets but I'm supposing regular sprite sheets eat up a lot of space.

  • I have a bunch of numbers in my JSON data array like so...

    "achievements_unlocked": [ 9, 5, 4, 6 ],

    Is there an easy way I can sort these numerically? eg(4,5,6,9)



    Change the line:

    JSON_MAIN: Set JSON_MAIN.CurrentValue to 9999


    JSON_MAIN: Set JSON_MAIN.Path to 9999

    (which actually changes the value of the current path)

  • I am looping through a bunch of JSON values and if a value equals 1 I am trying to set it to 999 by using set JSON.CurrentValue.

    However, when I print the current value straight after this 'set' command it still prints as 1.

    here is the code as text..

    + JSON_MAIN: For each entry in "profile_"&Current_Profile&".achievements_unlocked"

    ----+ System: JSON_MAIN.CurrentValue = 1

    -----> JSON_MAIN: Set JSON_MAIN.CurrentValue to 9999

    -----> Browser: Alert JSON_MAIN.CurrentValue (This Alert prints 1???? I expect 999)

    Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


  • Yes it was. Thanks for that ! :)

  • I have an object which is instanced in 2 layouts.

    When I try to delete one it says that this is the last instance of the object. ANd it goes on to delete it in both layouts.

    Is this expected behaviour? I want to just delete the individual occurrence in a single layout.


  • Perfect. Thank You!

  • I understand that I need to do the following type of thing (see events below), however what angles should i be looking for when swiping left. Swiping right is always somewhere between -10 and 10 degrees(weird numbers) but left seems to be either something positive like 180 or something completely weird like (minus) -165

    + Touch: Is in touch

    ----+ System: Touch.SpeedAt(0) ≥ 200

    // Swiped Left

    --------+ System: 190 ≤ Touch.AngleAt(0) ≤ 170 //WHAT ANGLES SHOULD I BE LOOKING FOR (these are wrong)???

    I would expect 90 degrees to be right and 270 to be left , but there seems to be some angle craziness going on.


  • I couldn't find any in the help and it would be most useful.

  • Cancel that I found it. I use..

    -> DrawingCanvas: Paste object UserMedia without effects

    at the instant I take a photo and it works..

    I have no idea why UserMedia takes 3 seconds to do exactly the same thing. I'll just use this instead.

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  • Hmm, any idea how I do that? I cant see any relevant actions.

    I tried Save snapshot then On Snapshot>Load Snapshot to canvas but it doesn't seem to do anything?

  • I want to take a snapshot and show a preview of the shot taken. However, on device it takes a few seconds for the snapshot to be ready after taking the shot.(On PC this works instantaneously)

    So, In the meantime I would like to 'freeze' the camera view in the same frame otherwise it becomes confusing when you take a snapshot and the result of the shot it spits out is something that doesn't correlate to the current display of the camera. Is it possible?

    Note: if there is a way to speed up the time it takes between UserMedia.SnapshotURL. TakeSnapshot and OnSnapShotReady that would be preferable (Currently it's at about 3 seconds on quite a high end android)


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