Grimmy's Recent Forum Activity

  • Philips E1027

    Renderer Detail: Mali-T720 (i think around 600-650 MHz)

    1.9 GB Memory

    Android 7.0

    She's a beauty! :)

  • Just to add to this..

    I just tried an old plugin called Lite tween and unfortunately that had about the same HUGE impact on the framerate. (around 30 to 40% drop)!!

    I've been optimizing my game over the last couple of days; following all the documented advice; reducing image sizes, removing unnecessary effects, physics etc, but this (Tweening) is by far having the biggest impact on my FPS out of everything!!?!?

    Is there another option other than to remove tweens altogether?? That's going to make for a pretty lousy looking app :(

  • Hi, I am trying to optimize on a pretty low end device and my main title screen is running at around 30fps.

    However, I have a sprite (Hours_Button) can be activated which begins to pulse. As soon as I do this the fps drops to around 20fps. This seems pretty drastic. AM I doing something wrong?

    I am just calling the tween once:

    + Hours_Button: On clicked

    -> Hours_Button: Tween "" property Scale to 1.1, 1.1 in 0.5 seconds (In Out Sinusoidal, destroy: No, loop: Yes, ping pong: Yes)

  • I want to make changes based on a devices 'general' ability (CPU and GPU).

    Is there some number I can grab that I can use as a general marker in the sand? I can only find the GPU and CPU current utilization which can of course move all over the place.


    if (device_ability>0.5)








    ..or should I just base everything on device memory perhaps? ..but that seems a bit broad.


    Apparently below 30fps C3s default behavior is to slow down time. (?)

    To fix this I just set the minimum frame rate to 5 fps.

    Now the countdown works as expected...even when the FPS is god awful.

  • I am using DT but still my timer slows down when the FPS does (my app grinds to around 15 fps on low end mobiles).

    Even when this slowdown happens I want a countdown time to be displayed correctly, but it just slows down along with the rest of the app.

    I am using:

    + System: Every tick

    -> System: Set main_timer_in_seconds_current_value to main_timer_in_seconds_current_value-1×dt


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  • Okay. Thanks everyone for all the info. Much appreciated.

  • OKay, but I cant see any z-elevation option when adding the child, only x,y, width,height,angle and Destroy with Parent. I am using 218 stable. Maybe that's a new feature?

  • It does work exactly as you said it should. Make sure that when you add the particles to the parent you are not asking it to replicate the parent's Z-Elevation

    When creating the rock I am simply doing:

    -> System: Create object Particles on layer 0 at (Rock.X, Rock.Y)

    -> Rock: Add child Particles (X: True, Y: True, width: True, height: True, angle: True, destroy with parent: False)

    is that wrong?

  • I tried this but I have no idea how its used. Once I have picked the parent how do I access that object to tell it which zindex to be on. I tried a few things but nothing seems to work. I cant find any example usage.

    For example, I tried this but it doesnt work:

    + Particles: Pick Own parent Rock

    -> Particles: Set Z elevation to Rock.ZElevation

    I would have expected once the parent is picked to be able to do something like:

    + Particles: Pick Own parent Rock

    -> Particles: Set Z elevation to PickedParent.ZElevation

    But of course that command doesn't seem to actually exist. :)

  • I have a parent sprite that adds a particle child with the scene graph. As I cant seem to inherit the parents z index by default using the scene graph i need to do it manually, but there doesn't seem to be a way I can access an objects parent anywhere.

    For example: I want to tell the particle to be on the same layer as its parent.

    Any way to do this?

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