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  • Hello, I am making a tank game and I do no want to make the tanks overlap one another without collisions. I want to have a real solid behavior when the vehicles collide.

    When I add the solid behavior to the moving vehicles, they have weird movements. I understand it is due to the behavior working properly for only stationary objects.

    So in this tank game. I want to have both a Player vs Bot collision and a Bot vs Bot collision. The player works with car and rotate behaviors and bots work with pathfinding behavior. How can I make collisions for both possibilities (PvB and BvB) with realistic reaction of the vehicle when getting hit?

    Note: This is just for moving sprites.

    Thanks for the help

  • Thanks a lot!

  • I've made a quick Text UI using Every tick-> Set text to: "Speed: " & Player.Car.Speed but It brings numbers with many decimals ex: Speed is 123.4567889. But If I want to display just speed 123 and when it transforms to speed 124, I want no decimals displayed. How can I do that?

    And let's say when it goes from speed 110 to speed 62 let's say, I don't want it do be displayed as 062 neither.

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  • Hey guys,thanks for the help, the code is accurate! I will work on it. In the mean time, what are the tiles that you guys used?

    99Instances, where did you find your boat tile?

  • In number of sprites like that,it is suggested you use families and use pin as family behavior. If you want those items pinned on every tick:

    Every tick: Set [object] to position to [BluPlayer] Image point (0 or whatever IP you want)

    If you want them for just the function you have, replace "every tick" with the function you got.

    Hope that helps or falls in the type of coding you want for your game.

  • TL:DR Sprite with car behavior, while moving along non-fixed path (randomly generated).

    Hi guys, I'm making a top down ship game where of course I'm using car behavior for the player. But since I will include AI, NPC, Bots, however you wanna call it, I want them to have car behavior while they move to their path, which their pathpoint is random(LayoutWidth), random(LayoutHeight) (for X,Y) since they will be patrolling in random places within the layout. The code I have so far doesn't make the sprite move. (ignore mouse wheel events)

    Basically, I don't want the sprite to have the standard path finding movement when a path is created. I want it to have the car like movement.

    I've seen tutorials, but they use Waypoints (wp) and and adjustment, which the waypoint is fixed and not randomly generated (ex: racing games with fixed waypoints on racing tracks). I tried to include setting up waypoints(nodes) at the Sprite's path position, but still didn't work. I used code Sprite.Pathfinding.Currentmode but it didn't work neither.

    Any demonstrations using capx are appreciated, if it's still not understood, I can link my capx file so u can look it up accurately.

    After long reading, here is a smiley face <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

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Member since 28 Dec, 2016

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