BronzeBeardGames - Hey again, you said "You may have noticed a bug on the vertical moving platforms" and I was wondering if you are referring to the bug that makes the play stand still? I mean, you can still move left and right but he/she/it is not jumping. It keeps happening to me all the time on Level 20 so it's impossible to finish.
BronzeBeardGames - Maybe the bug I experienced had something to do with the ads as well because as soon as I pressed the Restart-button an ad was shown? I have already finished Level 16:)
I've never heard of Ablteon, I'm gonna check it out.
BronzeBeardGames - I didn't notice any bugs. However, there was one time I died and the player didn't re-spawn so I had to restart the level. It never happened again though, only one time. I like the music, it's relaxing and it fits well. Did you produce the music yourself? I have finished Level 16 now btw :)
BronzeBeardGames - I just played your game and I love everything about it. Level 10 was not too hard but Level 16 is a pain in the *** for me. I'll come back later and finish Level 16, I like hard games. The ads are not being shown too often so I wouldn't worry about that. Well done, I gave you 5 stars on Google Play.
scalybob - I just played your game and I like it. I gave it 5 stars on Google Play. Maybe work on the graphics a little bit though? It's the same for me, I really have to step up my game when it comes to the artwork. I enjoyed playing Snow Jump though, sometimes the simple games are the most fun :) Keep up the good work!
Tommy /
Josh77 - Sorry for late reply. After I got the "warning" from Apple, I did nothing and it was approved anyway.
My game just got approved so everything is fine :)
I want to thank you for a great service and great customer service, I'm really happy with you guys :)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I just uploaded my game to App Store and I think everything works now...hopefully! At least it worked when I tested it on an iPhone :)
Edit: I just received an email that said:
"ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See for more information."
Ashley What does this mean for Construct developers? Or maybe it's something Google has to change?
DavidA13 - I'm not bother with the App Identifier anymore. It doesn't crash on startup because the build fails. Are you able to make a successful build but when you start the app it crashes?
RaulMcdaniel - I don't know if you are talking about my game or the game — posted but if you are talking about my game then thanks :)
If MobileAdvert doesn't work with iOS, is there another plugin for AdMob that you could suggest?
Mobile Advert works perfect when I build an APK for Android but when I use it for iOS using Xcode, the build fails every time. I have searched and searched and asked and asked but without any luck so I try my luck in this thread as well. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, do you know what the problem is?
Thanks in advance,
Member since 9 Dec, 2016