I like the look, keep up the good work
I have been messing around with the new shadowlight but i cant seem to find a way to have sprites hidden in the shadows which can also cast shadows themselves. Maybe its just a mix of blending modes or something but it eludes me at the moment.
All suggestions welcome
I seem to recall the OP asked about pause and unpause of music.. nothing to do with buttons...
There is a pause/resume event under the Audio Plugin.
I dont think so using the built in save option. When you save it is essentially a snapshot so when you load it back thats what you get.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
There is a csv plugin which may help
It would be useful if Google would allow users to choose which version they have installed. As far as i know you cant download older versions anymore.
Once again C2 users have to wait until a third party ( Google in this case ) fix the problems.
Has chrome been updated recently ?
I had some downscaling issues which seem to have been sorted in r170. I found that setting the option back to medium from high fixed the issue in r169.
Its a good idea. Lots of languages have graphical IDE's which allow this.
It seems a bit pointless to have shadows if you cant hide things in them
That seems to only half work. If you want the monster to cast shadows too then looses its colour.
Member since 30 Oct, 2012