Construct 2 is great for web games and when you use some of the official plugins. But Scirra says: "Build Once. Publish Everywhere. True multiplatform support. Build your game in Construct 2 and publish it to all these platforms." and it's not true. Is not possible to build games for all these platforms only using C2 for it or without a damn wrapper and the majority of the C2 users want publish their games mainly for mobiles. I really like the structure of the Construct 2 and I'm a huge Scirra's fan, but honestly, I think C3 will be a aesthetic update of C2 with some improvements.
tumira: Wow! No more wrappers?? Timeline? Easy in-app and ads implementation? 2d and 3d? Thank you! Spark is very promising!
—: PR without substance? Really? I think that we didn't see the same website.