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  • Whether you are disabling the behaviours, which isn't possible with these ones, or using 3 different bullets, seems like about the same amount of code. i.e. not much

    Not really, if I use 3 different bullets or 3 different walls then there is a fair amount of extra work involved, including managing all of the assets and making sure all 3 get changed anytime I make one. It would be so much easier make a cleaner program if there was a wall behavior similar to platform where I could make easy changes to the settings on the fly.

  • Thank you for the example.

  • Would be so much easier if I could just turn those behaviors off when needed instead of having to use 3 different bullets and coding the differences all through my program.

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  • I am trying to use the physics engine for ricochets off a wall but it's acting really strange. If I bounce off the wall at a real shallow angle it comes off the wall the right direction. If I come at the wall at anything steeper then about 20 degrees the ball just comes straight off perpendicular to the wall like I am just standing there facing it and bouncing a ball. Are there any settings in the physics to make this work better or a different plugin I can use?

  • Simple, sometimes I want the bullets to bounce off the walls, some times I want them to wrap back around and sometimes I just want them to blow up on the wall. The easiest way to do that would be to take advantage of features that are already built into the software.

  • I have a game that I need to use DestroyOutsideLayout or Wrap depending on options selected at the start of the game. Is there a way to add both behaviors to my layout and only enable one of them as needed?

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Member since 14 Nov, 2016

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