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  • KyleWilliamson - The issue with using "has animation looped" or "looped x times" is if you are using it with an animation that isnt loopable eg: performing an edge climb (where the character moves away from its starting location) then the animation will loop back for 1 frame before determining that its "looped" and you will see a visual "pop" before it transitions.

    that's why if there was a way to say If animation.time = animation.length (which technically there is, but it doesnt work), or an option to simply say "on animation "climb" finished" it would work smoother.

  • Thanks KyleWilliamson, ill give those a shot.

    So for #1 you do

    Play animation "jump"

    wait 0.677 seconds (or however long the jump animation is)

    set "jump" rate to 0?

  • - that's hand drawn animation, so no, you'd make that in another application

  • Did you try opening the Tower defense pathfinding example file and see how they did it?

  • When you use the action "on object clicked" it will "pick" only the object you clicked on.

    For your destroying example, you need to specify which object is going to get destroyed, by picking it first.

    it can be the one you clicked on,

    the one with the highest Y value

    the one with the lowest opacity.

    however you want to pick it

    so for example

    On Mouse "enemy" is clicked -> destroy enemy


    Enemy.Opacity < 50 -> destroy enemy (this will only destroy and enemy with less than 50 opacity.)

    The event "picks" and the action runs the corresponding code based on what you picked.

  • You can use the bullet behavior with gravity turned up.

  • Place a circle sprite and scale it to the size of the dotted line.

    then do a check

    If redbox is overlapping circle area

    AND redbox is NOT overlapping inner blue circle -> Loss

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  • There's also a "push out solids" behavour that rex rainbow made that you can just add to your object, and they won't overlap.

  • You can make a invisible box, and assign the bullet behavior to that.

    Then assign "pin" behavior to the image, but only pin it in "position"

    that way it will always face upright while moving via the bullet behaviour

  • on key "left" pressed - set raptor to mirrored

    on key right pressed - set raptero to not mirrored

    he will stay facing whichever last direction you pressed.

  • Someone also made a behavior for shaking objects.

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