justifun's Recent Forum Activity

  • X3M - how do you spawn a new object at runtime. When trying to use "create object" i get a null javascript runtime error.


  • Do a for each loop then assign each instance a unique variable name.

    Then assign a different find path action for each instance.

    Eg. Sprite 1 go-to target 1. Etc

  • All you have to do to make invisible buttons work is have a parent event that says

    "layer 1 is visible"

    (sub event)------> on button click -> do stuff

  • The way to do it is to set the object with the pathfinding behavior in the properties to Obstacles = Custom

    Then at the start of the layout you use the "Add pathfinding obstacle" action to add all of the obstacles you want for just that object to avoid. Then make sure to use the "Regenerate pathfinding obstacle map" action afterward so it knows where to move again.

    Simply set up each pathfinding object with a different set of obstacles to avoid, and voila!

  • 300 MB for one set of animations seems a lot, how big is each image?

    Ashley - will there be any sort of early access founder's package for Construct 3?

    I'd gladly pay for early access.

  • R0J0hound - Thanks again R0j0 ! you're so smart!

    I dont understand the math of what's going on (especially why the x/y is flipped for the prevX and prevY etc , but it works great !

    thanks again!

  • I have a sprite that leaves a trail behind it, and once its fully encircled it, i want to destroy the objects inside of it.

    I've thought about trying to have the sprite collide with a copy of itself (its tail) to signify when the circle is complete, and that works sometimes, but not always. but i'm still stuck on how to determine what's inside of the circle in order to destroy them.

    any suggestions?

  • R0J0hound - is there a way to make the middle 2 points not have handles to adjust their angle? I think it would just be a regular bezier curve instead of a cubic one for the middle 2?

  • Ducat - The only way to split up animations like that right now, is to have 2 spine objects on top of each other (both parented to the player invisible movment box). then you use the top one for aiming, and the bottom one for walking

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  • X3M - nope, sorry

  • The anim key is the name of the animation in spine that you want it to play by default. Its Case sensitive, so WALK is not the same as walk.

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