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  • The link still is not valid/complete.

    There is a "shortage" around the name (where there are the ...).

    Post a complete link if you want others to see your project.

    And yes, screenshots need to be uploaded on a distant service and linked in the post using :


    Yeah, reread the link and its been cut.

    But I have managed to fix it.

    I miss under stood the function of push in the array. I thought where it says value is how many you want it to push, but its the value to go in the one you have pushed.


  • Please provide a new download link/URL, it doesn't appear to work.

    However there is one reason why it could be saving just one block, you need to do the saving action for each block objects, so a for each loop needs to be used. This is usually the case when an action is done just for one object correctly in an event, and what you are describing basically requires the use of a for each loop.

    I have updated the download link. ( ... arrays.rar)

    I have currently used a for each block loop, and its creating the right amount of data in the table, it's just not storing the right numbers in the array.

    Also I would add screen shots, but I am not sure how to add them to the scirra forums, do I have to upload them some where else and link it?

  • Hey

    I am trying to make a level editor were you can save the map, to a json file then loaded it back from that file to be played normally. Like mario maker.

    I have seen some other post just like this one but I keep getting stuck and their old so I thought it would be better to start a new post.

    So far I have got it to save all the block locations but the only block which saves the right position is the last one, all the others are 1,1.

    I also have made it to be able to read the file then place the blocks in the right place(Thats how I knew it wasn't saving the array right).

    Thanks in advance

  • I would say that you would probably have to a value which saves on their device.

    I think it would be done by adding the local storage in to your game

    then add a action

    Local Storage>Set Item

    Key is the name of the file

    eg FBShared

    Then Value I would do 1

    1 = Shared

    If the player has not shared it there will be no storage, so when checking when they press share, do check item exists.

    I would show screen shots explaining it as I am a bad person to explain things, but I don't know how (Yes i do know print screen, but you can't just paste it in)

    Good Luck!

  • You are asking someone to make the game for you then, meaning your not willing to learn how to do it your self.

    Construct 2 is a game making engine ,where you make the games your self, and the forms are a place to ask when your stuck on a small bit, not the whole game.

  • OK, I know how to do the coding behind it.

    So first you have a global number, which starts on 0

    And a blank text box

    Then add a new event

    System>Every X Seconds set that to 1

    Add action

    System>Add to set that to 1

    Then add a new event

    System>Every Tick

    Add a action

    Text>Set Text then the name of your global variable with out the ""

    Then thats it, Good luck!

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  • You have two of the same posts asking the same question, so please delete one of them.

  • Yeah, The progress bar always has to be on top.

    "Form controls are actual HTML elements floating above the game canvas in the HTML page. Therefore, nothing can be displayed on top of a form control, apart from other form controls."

    ^^ From the construct 2 help on progress bar

    So guess you have to make it your self

  • Yeah the same as the what "BobOfAMillion"

    If you are not using tilesheets do so, just look up tilesheets on google images and you will see that there one image with lots of different ones inside of it, this means the computer only has to load up one image, also its much easier to make as you don't have to keep switching documents, just do it all in one.

    When making tile sheets make sure you have a set size, for example for pixel art you would do something like 16x16, for yours it would be much bigger, then when in construct adding tile map make sure its set right in the proprieties to your size then you can just simply paint you level out with out worrying about the right spacing between each image.

    Good Luck!!!

  • I would like to help you, but i am a bit confused, but I am giving it ago.

    So you wanted to have grass then a tree behind that grass, I am guessing.

    The way you can get this done is my layers, have two different layers which both have tile maps on them, I would copy and past the same size and position of both so they are the same, then when making your tree look behind the grass, draw the tree on the lower layer, then continue drawing the game on the higher layer.

    If you still are confused I can make a video explains it better.

    Good Luck!!!

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Ben Wilson

Member since 6 Oct, 2016

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