Ben Wilson's Forum Posts

  • Hey, doing games dev in college and we are using construct 2.

    Hoping to make games in the future

  • I don't see many 2D zombie games any way, so lot's of people have done that

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  • Dam I'm mind blown on that code.

    Nice work tho

  • I haven't been using Construct 2 for almost 2 years

    I don't think that part is right, but to the point layout (by name) is just were you change to a layout by the name of it. Its useful when you want to lower down the amount of code.

    In a game I'm making for college it has different levels, so if I name all my levels layouts the same as what it shows inside the game I can use the layout (by name) to save lots of time.

    As your layouts are layout1 layout2 and layout3 (I would recommend changing them) you could just have a global variable storing what number layout they should be on then do in the box

    "Layout" & layoutnumber[/code:1wj1fvjr]
    If you get confused feel free to ask more as I'm bad at explaining things.
  • 99Instances2Go

    What version of Construct 2 are you using as it says to update my program to the newest version ( I have r239) but on the website it says its still r239. You using the beta?

  • Sounds like a nice idea. Is it like you have to get the ball from point A to B by using least amount of parts or most (most would make it a hard game) or just free build and you got to make a loop with the parts you got?

  • I would like to start a project like Payday 2 but top down 2D pixel game, thats will be nice! Something like masterplan, but not RTS, something more dynamic.

    Sounds like a game called Monaco on steam.

    Description of the game from steam

    [quote:1an2ocwh]Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine is a single player or co-op heist game. Assemble a crack team of thieves, case the joint, and pull off the perfect heist.

  • Just make the collisions on the angled part like a slope.

    (I under stand this picture isn't top down, but the same concept can be applied)

  • does anyone at least have an example with load/save with buttons...How do I tell the engine not to load anything if there no file saved yet?(you just started the game)

    I would try and recreate your game inside construct 2 if I was you, It's free so there is no reason not to.

    And as there is much more help as a lot more people use it.

  • I would say to use a tilemap for streets as you can choose where you want them, and then the background will be white.

    Just look up how to make a tilesheet then added it to the tilemap

  • The reason I think it's not working is how "Is overlapping another object" works.

    Quote from Sprite Manual

    [quote:3ih6i5rs] For example, testing for an overlap at an offset of (100, 0) will temporarily move the object to the right 100 pixels, test for the overlap, then move it back again.

    And as your sprites are all touching each other the Y at 0 will all ways get triggered to anything below it.

    To fix it your going to have to make a small gap around each sprite (1 pixel gap) then when it 0 on the Y it won't find anything and then you have to change all the X's from 1 to 2. forum / what-is-the-overlap-offset-coordinate-based-on_t72860

    This is the location where I found that out from Kyatric

    Try to have crates 1 pixel smaller (15X15) than the grid's cells size.

    Hope you can understand it.

  • If you want to do it without moving the original sprite, I don't think its possible.

    But if you move the sprite with it, just use set position to



  • The link still is not valid/complete.

    There is a "shortage" around the name (where there are the ...).

    Post a complete link if you want others to see your project.

    And yes, screenshots need to be uploaded on a distant service and linked in the post using :


    Yeah, reread the link and its been cut.

    But I have managed to fix it.

    I miss under stood the function of push in the array. I thought where it says value is how many you want it to push, but its the value to go in the one you have pushed.


  • Please provide a new download link/URL, it doesn't appear to work.

    However there is one reason why it could be saving just one block, you need to do the saving action for each block objects, so a for each loop needs to be used. This is usually the case when an action is done just for one object correctly in an event, and what you are describing basically requires the use of a for each loop.

    I have updated the download link. ( ... arrays.rar)

    I have currently used a for each block loop, and its creating the right amount of data in the table, it's just not storing the right numbers in the array.

    Also I would add screen shots, but I am not sure how to add them to the scirra forums, do I have to upload them some where else and link it?

  • Hey

    I am trying to make a level editor were you can save the map, to a json file then loaded it back from that file to be played normally. Like mario maker.

    I have seen some other post just like this one but I keep getting stuck and their old so I thought it would be better to start a new post.

    So far I have got it to save all the block locations but the only block which saves the right position is the last one, all the others are 1,1.

    I also have made it to be able to read the file then place the blocks in the right place(Thats how I knew it wasn't saving the array right).

    Thanks in advance