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  • marcinkowski

    You need to set fullscreen scaling to "Scale outer" for cocoon. This can change a lot though.

    You can use the official cocoon plugins but also the plugins made by cranberrygame: https://github.com/CocoonIO/cocoon-plugins-c2

    There is also lot of information in the cocoon forums on how to set everything up for cocoon. It can be a little bit tiresome. You may also look into the new construct 3 build service, which seems to be less of a hassle.

  • > Even works with cocoon.io. I just installed the regular OneSignal plugin[not the PGB-Compat plugin] (https://github.com/OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK) and everything works fine. Thank you for this nice plugin.


    Can you tell me if it's still working?

    I've purchased this plugin and using cocoon. I tried bith the PGB branch and the master branch.

    With PGB branch devices register and get playerID, but they are not subscribed. On android it says "missing google serivces library", and on iOS it says "missing push capabilitiy.

    With the master branch, devices don't get playerID at all.

    Please help!

    Sorry for replying so late. I have't noticed it. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarrassed">

    Cocoon and OneSignal both had a few updates since. Last time I implemented the plugin, there was some conflict with the cocoon-plugins while compiling. I removed the push-service for now and have not tried it again. I will get back into it soon and check if it can be fixed/worked around, but I would not bet on it. It definitely once worked quite nice on iOS and Android.

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  • Even works with cocoon.io. I just installed the regular OneSignal plugin[not the PGB-Compat plugin] (https://github.com/OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK) and everything works fine. Thank you for this nice plugin.

  • Thanks a lot cranberrygame.. That's a pretty cool feature!

    I hope it works. Now the only problem, is the scaling issue. But that is ludei i need help from!

    The scaling issue is a bit weird. When i click the middle of the screen where my button should actually be, then it activates. But the button is way down in the corner. o.O

    To fix the scaling issue it is also possible to just edit the preview.js(Line 434). You can find it under Construct 2\exporters\html5. It just needs to look like this:

    this.isRetina = ((!this.isDomFree || this.isEjecta || this.isCocoonJs) && this.useHighDpi && !this.isAndroidStockBrowser);

    It works for me without a problem.(Even minified)

  • ludei

    Hi everyone, I am close to releasing a new game and I am not sure if I should use your old cloud compiler or the new cocoon.io. Is it stable enough for a release? Can I move my older project over to the new compiler(when it's stable) or will there be problems with things like local storage and PlayGames/Gamecenter?(Are the Game-services already functional?) I didn't do much with the new cloud yet but it looks really nice

  • ludei I ran several tests today but without luck. I have updated my question on your helpdesk with a link to the used capx, a console log and ad-id's.

    This problem occurs with all my iOS applications compiled with version 2.1.1 and tested on an iPad Air. As I already said only chartboost does not work correctly with the iPhone id's. The interstitial shows once after the preload but can not be refreshed.

    http://support.ludei.com/hc/communities ... g-on-iPads

  • Hey everyone,

    Iam not sure if this is the right thread to ask this but does anyone else got problems with ads on iOS(especially iPad) since the 2.1.1 release?

    It seems that cocoonjs does not recognize the correct device and chooses the iPhone ad-Id's instead of the iPad id's. I have tested this with admob, chartboost and iAds. While the other networks seems to work with the iPhone id's, chartboost does not. I have also postet a question ludei 's helpdesk a few days ago but no response yet.



  • Hi everyone!

    Made this game a while ago to learn C2. It is basically a "Breakout" clone. I uploaded it to Google Play and clay.io.

    <font size="4">Brick Smash</font>

    I hope you like it.

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Member since 30 Sep, 2012

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