[Plugin] Cordova Push Notifications with OneSignal service

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From the Asset Store
"Easy Local Notifications" enhances games with customizable local notifications.
  • Here's where I read about it, starting in the "Documentation" section in this link:

    https://documentation.onesignal.com/v2. ... tification

    The rest API key when logged in is here:

    App Settings > Keys & ID's.

    Hope that helps.

    Yes you can obtain that key with the expression getUserId in the plugin everytime you want, and it's stored like a intern property in your code for each user registered/device, but only when the device is running the app. This means this id can't be accesed via reading the app code by other people, only by you the developer and admin of your one signal's account. I think is safe <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Hi Josek5494 , I will buy the plugin, and then let you know. Regards

  • Hi Josek5494 , I will buy the plugin, and then let you know. Regards

    Thanks mate! i've just sent the plugin to your payment e-mail. If you need support post it here or in my blog. Stay tuned to my blog and my youtube channel if you want more C2 plugins! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">



  • please make some video tutorial

  • Even works with cocoon.io. I just installed the regular OneSignal plugin[not the PGB-Compat plugin] (https://github.com/OneSignal/OneSignal-Cordova-SDK) and everything works fine. Thank you for this nice plugin.

  • I have it working on iOS but it will not work for Android. I've emailed to try get support to no avail, any chance?

    EDIT: Uncaught TypeError: window.plugins.OneSignal.IX is not a function

    I have not heard back from the plugin developer, having bought the plugin 2 days ago.

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  • Josek5494 Hey, man. I think it's a cool plugin and thanks for the tip about onesignal.com. I am currently looking for the way to implement browser push-notifications on desktop (chrome, firefox), like Facebook does it. Is it possible to extend your plugin with desktop browser notifications?

    I found this plugin by andykenobi, but it needs a back-end to work properly. Are there any ideas how to achieve it, may be using onesignal.com?

  • Hi there

    I had succes with this in intel xdk 3240

    BUT after update too latest xdk 3691 my project is going into blackscreen after splashscreen

    when I remove the plugin > https://github.com/one-signal/OneSignal ... PGB-Compat

    it runs ok. BUT ofcourse without the pushnotifications

    Any Idear why ??? is the plugin https://github.com/one-signal/OneSignal ... PGB-Compat



  • New version guys. One Signal changed some things to make the Cordova plugin compatible with >4 versions. Check my blog and download the new version in Scirra Store, if you bought the plugin directly by paypal, send me an e-mail () to send you the new version. I think needs testing but i didnt found problems in the new code.

    Thank you!

    Edited: The new version is waiting for approval in Scirra Store, maybe it will not show yet.

  • Can you help me? I'm not sure which order and more details, thank you!

  • Can you help me? I'm not sure which order and more details, thank you!

    What are you trying to do there? You only need to install the plugin in your project and the notifications management is made in One Signal's web. All those actions are for other things that you must to know what youre doing. Take a look at the Cordova One Signals Api in their webpage if you want to learn more.

  • So just add the plugin without builder and export to intelxdk? And work like non-intel xdk manipulations correct? Thank you!

  • So just add the plugin without builder and export to intelxdk? And work like non-intel xdk manipulations correct? Thank you!

    Yeah you dont need all that actions and conditions, only add the plugin to the project, export for Cordova, build it in xdk with the Cordova plugin installed and it will be able to work. To launch and edit your notifications go to your dashboard in One Signal's web

  • Josek5494

    Hi there, nice plugin you have there! May I know is it possible to send a push notification to one specific user with your plugin??

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