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  • Hi Ashley,

    I saw all the audio files have their 'WebM' file in the 'Sounds' folder. Do you mean I should remove the .mp3 and .m4a versions?

    Is it normal that the music does not play for a specific iOS version?


  • Thanks for your answer.

    I have a couple of sounds that are 0.1s in the homepage, but the main background music should be playing before these (after 'all preloads complete'). Also these 2 small sounds must be activated after clicking a button. Besides that, in many other iOS the sound works despite these two 0.1s files.

    Isn't it a bit strange? thanks

  • Hello,

    A couple of days ago I uploaded to the Apple Store one app I had previously uploaded to the Play Store. For Android the sound worked properly, but I relized in some Iphones it seemed not be working (no sound at all) like iOS 13 and 14.

    After that, I also imported .ogg and .m4a files in C3. I uploaded to App Store again, but still two users with Iphones with iOS 13.5 are not gettin any sound.

    Any idea?


  • Thanks Ashley

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  • Hi Ashley, that is one of the options, but thought that decreasing the size of everything the game could run quicker.


  • Hello,

    I recently created a project for web with a 1920x1080 size.

    I've been asked to adapt the same project for mobile devices and I was thinking to use the 960x540 size.

    As I see different ways to do this, what would be the optimal way in your opinion? Was thinking to set scales in layouts to 0.5 but not really sure.


  • Btw: I want to use the 16:9 ratio aspect for mobile devices.

    Does it make a difference creating images for a 1280x720 resolution instead of 854x480?


  • Ok, so if I plan to keep the resolution 1920x1080 for all monitors I guess that I can make all graphics for that resolution. Thanks everyone !

  • Thanks Kyatric,

    I read the links, but not sure I got the answer...

    The game will be quite simple actually, so memory usage shouldn't be a problem. In that case is a good option to have images with bigger size/quality, import them in Construct and then there decrease/accomodate the image sizes to 1920x1080?


  • Hello,

    this may be a simple question:

    A client sent me an EPS vectorial file with all the images for a game. The game resolution will be 1980x1020 (web). I am gonna work with Photoshop to get the images ready for Construct.

    Should I work with a canvas of 1980x1020 in Photoshop and get the final size of the images there or should I make the size of the images bigger in Photoshop so that in Construct I get them more quality?


  • Hello,

    a client wants me to develop a game for web&android&iOS.

    This will be the first time I upload something to the Apple Store and would like to have an idea on how many hours I may need to get the C3 creation ready for iOS and properly upload it to the Apple Store, as well as any other thing I should take into account.

    Also, as I don't have a Mac: should I just subcontract someone to do this process?


  • Thanks guys,

    as I see I think I'll have to update to Construct3.

    I've been working with other software to create educational materials, but I really like Construct and was thinking to use it for educational games that may require quite a lot of text. But when I worked in my own creations in C2 I realized that typing in the text field below 'Properties' was really slow, as well as was formatting the text.

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Member since 17 Aug, 2016

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