oparaiso's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    I am creating an educational game which will require me to work with a lot of texts, including copy&pastes from Word.

    What would be the best way/plugin to use and format a good amount of text?


  • Here someone else interested in the plugin...

  • Thank you Lamar...

    guess I'll have to reinstall C2

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  • It is so strange... why in my C2 when I go back from Layout2 to Layout1 the music stops (without restarting, can't hear it anymore)...

    Maybe something to do with the C2 version I just bought? Release 239 64bit thanks

  • Hi Lamar,

    Starting from the layout 1, when I go to Layout 2 and then return to Layout 1, the music stops.

    Isn't that happenning to you? thanks

  • Hello,

    for some reason I can not see why the audio stops after the 'go to layout' event.

    I don't remember that happenning in the old version of Construct I was using before...

    Maybe someone can help me with the short capx file? thanks a lot

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByAbx ... VlVWTNfbFk

  • Gracias !

  • Hello all !

    I am really engaged with this Construct magic tool. Its really enhancing my creative mode <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    I recently finished an online course about educational games for which I designed my first game: Pingu the orchestra director.

    As educator, and having played several instruments, I always thought it could be cool to learn about how they sound through a game. That's the educational aim of my game.

    I'd be really glad if you can suggest me how to improve the game. Hopefully my future students can learn more about music instruments thanks to games like this. Thank you !

    Also, if there are other websites where the game could be tested, please let me know.

    Sorry for my English, I'm from Spain.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/music-gam ... ctor-14453

  • Guys, thank you all !!

  • Hi all,

    I am developing an educational game about J.S. Bach and his music, with C2.

    I would like to have a simple intro with three small 'cartoonized' ilustrations of Bach: one with his family, another playing the organ and another one sleeping (something veeery simple, not really detailed).

    Since I am not a graphic designer nor an illustrator (and this is my first game) I was thinking about offering this task to a freelance. I am an indie developer actually.

    I just created a simple image of the type or style of character I am looking for:


    Is there anyone who could send me a price quote?

    Thank you

  • Hi guys,

    is there a Spanish community for C2? Couldn't find any...

    Currently writing from Barcelona.

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Member since 17 Aug, 2016

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