Every game engine that I have ever dealt with had its share of problems. Unity has never been "problem-free". They are, like everybody else, in a permanent amorphous state of turmoil. If you think about it, it's only natural. They have better and worse phases, and not everything is their fault or even within their reach to change.
Interestingly, most of the issues I had with C2 were not with C2 itself, but adjacent (and still necessary) tech like NW.js, chrome or phonegap. In the end, if you hit a point in time where a C2 bug, a chrome bug, and a NW.js-f***up happen at the same time (think about the long, dark age of "the jank") it doesn't really matter who's fault it is, the outcome is the same.
Insofar all "X is better than Y"-discussions are pointless. Real engine agnostics expect to run into bugs everywhere