13spongg13's Recent Forum Activity

  • Pathfinding for a Platformer maybe?

    Or do you mean a dash or something like that?

    With this little information nobody can really help you with your problem..

  • Hello!

    First off, I already searched a bit in this Forum but didn't get the answer I was looking for.

    I am working on a 2D moba and adding some skins. For now I just copy / paste the complete coding block of 1 character and replace every "classic" character with a new sprite which is his skin.

    Is there a better way to implement skins in my game? For example a condition where you just replace all objects of a projects with an other. So character "Blue skin" is chosen, replace every classic sprite with the sprite of the blue skin or something like that.

    Making different animation is also kind of odd. And I guess I still would have the same amount of code as I got now.

    So is there any good solution for adding chooseable skins in a game?

  • Hello!

    I am developing a 2 Player splitscreen game and want to make some better backgrounds now. But I noticed that I can't change the parallaxes for Layers...

    When I for example set clouds to 50 x, in the preview it will still have the same movement as all other layers.

    Can someone help me with the problem? It's the "Paster" Add-on.

  • Hm thanks, I guess I just make bush objects for every bush with all the tiles in it already.

    With the grass tiles I would only have 1 sprite but could make bushes in many different sizes out of it, that's why I wanted to combine them.

    P.S. I found a solution. (Somehow like yours but no containers) I just made invisible bush hitboxes and whenever a player is overlapping it, it will set all the bushes overlapping this hitbox to opacity 25.

  • Hello!

    I am working on a MOBA now and just added bushes or gras where you can hide.

    Those grasses are made off like 5 grass tiles, but is there a way I can combine them together? Like tag all 5 and select something like "combine" ? (As in Gimp2 or PS)

    It would save me some memory I guess since the object is still the same as the single ones. But when I enter a bush now, only the parts I collision with are changes to opacity 25 (so I have vision in the bush) for me. After that all the bush tiles are visible as long as I am in the complete bush-part. When I leave the bush, all the bush tiles are back to opacity 100.

    When I could combine those tiles, it would be possible for them to behave as they are 1 bush all together, rather than 5 different.

    Since I want some more bushes with different sizes in my game, I had to do way more coding + sprites for each bush <.<

    P.S. The game is splitscreen and the bushes behave different for both players. So when player 1 enters a bush, the bush is still at opacity 100 for player 2, just for make some clarity. I also want to add a online multiplayer with photon later so don't complain on how useless bushes are in 1vs1 splitscreen xD

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  • Pretty sweet although it's very very very similar to diep.io etc

    I guess the start speed could be a bit higher and maybe something more unique to the game. Why would anyone prefer this game over diep.io?

    You should add something new to get a playerbase, something that diep.io or arena don't have.

    And maybe decrease the arena size slightly since there aren't many player and it's pretty hard to meet someone ^^

  • staleevolution Thank you !

  • Thank you so much for your review!

    Yes, the game is somehow similar to games like Dota 2 and LoL, but in 2D

    You have to kill minions + the enemy and try to push to the enemy base to win. Many things are still in work of course.

    To the graphics:

    I also thought about the pixel size, but I got so little time so I just scaled all sprites

    When the game is in a higher state I will obviously take some time on the graphics! And thank you for your tips!

  • Hello!

    I started my "League of Pixels" project some months ago and now it's nearly finished!

    The game is an 2D retro styled MOBA (Multiplay OFFLINE Battle Arena) and offers some 1vs1 matches with you and your friends! For now there is a roster of 3 Characters available and I also just finished my in-match Item shop! Killing a unit gains coins and you can spend them INSIDE a match to gain Damage or Speed.

    Each character also got a skin so it won't become boring as fast.

    The only things left for the complete release is a small jungle or some other objectives to take focus on. Right now there is only 1 lane with some terrain above but that's all. I work on my own, so I can't progress the game as fast ^^

    You can test the game without downloading it on this site:


    Here is a preview of the last big update (New character's skin and the Shop + Coins)


    I hope you enjoy my game and leave some suggestions! (Also, help is always welcome :3 )

  • Nice game! Pretty animations and gameplay ^^

    How did you change the mouse-curser ? Already looking for a solution for some time now.

  • Another big update:

    Now with Select Screen and the new Champion I'ceat being live!

    Test it now! Also the map was slightly expanded to the top so there is more terrain to climb now.

  • I've found how to avoid this problem, download "DotNetZip", use the program (in the "Tools" folder) to create the .zip you will upload on itch.io, don't forget to set encoding options to utf-8, your done!

    It worked for me.

    Thank you!!!

    Finally I can upload my game again ^^

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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