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  • Hello!

    I am working on a game right now where you can tame animals and want to add something similar as the catching mechanic in Pokemon Ranger.

    You basically have to draw a circle (or multiple) around the targets to tame it, but how can I make that Construct 2 will know when the circle is drawn and if the animal is inside that circle? Do you have any ideas?

  • pinoypixel

    Thank you! Tell me if it is good ^^

  • Thank you

  • Hello!

    Is there someone who just started programming or does not need perfect professional pixel art?

    I want to try this area a bit out and would like some cool projects to work on! I myself developing a game, if you like the art feel free to contact me.


  • MPPlantOfficial

    Thank you for your answer! I am going to inform me a bit more about arrays ^^

  • Hello,

    I work on a 2 player game and when I have a character finished for Player 1, I have to copy/paste the string of that Character and just replace the objects (P1model with P2model, P1bullets with P2bullets etc)

    But I can't replace a thing, when both, the Player 1 and Player 2 objects are inside the string.

    E.g. When hit player 2, reduce P1Stats.Damage from P2Stats.Health. (P1Stats is just an invisible object to safe information like damage, speed, health etc. so I can change it easily later)

    Now when I replace P1Stats with P2Stats, there will be obviously only P2Stats left inside the string so I cannot just replace the missing P2Stats.

    I kind of "solved" it by making an placeholderStats object so I can replace them first with it, and then with the actual object but isn't there an easier solution?

  • Did you make the icon + screenshots yourself? Looks really nice ^^

    (doesn't own an Iphone though)

  • Pretty funny game!

    But I feel like the melee one is way too strong compared to the ranged. The range of him is useless anyway since you need like 1 sec to go to the other side of the map.

  • A 2 player mobile game with NINJAS

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  • Hello,

    I am working on a splitscreen/2 player mobile game right now and want to hear your first impressions!

    It's a 1vs1 ninja battle where you can pick yourself 3 skills (out of 8 right now) and try to kill your opponent. Only left and right movement is possible and there is also a single player already where you can swap between easy, medium and doom difficulty.

    Soon playable in Itch.io and when I get my Playstore account, it will be downloadable from there for free.

  • nemezes

    I also got my way after trying some things out and it is actually pretty nice.

    First, I have 1 object for each player which I just call "controlls" or smth like that. In the event sheet I code it like that:

    While D down -> set controlls "right" to 1

    Else -> set controlls "right" to 0

    And then if right is equal to 1, simulate movement right

    This way I can always change key-bindings pretty fast or add something like touch support and AI behavior without problems.

    The "controlls" object is just somewhere out of the window and is not visible ingame.

  • nemezes

    Thank you ^^

    there is the "stun" animation already when someone being hit but it's more or less a placeholder, will be better someday.

    Soon I want to add an AI, too and I know how difficult a good AI is to code xD (already made one for a 2d MOBA)

    I am going to try out your game

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Member since 13 Aug, 2016

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