Ninjadoodle's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi guys :)

    The latest prototype is here! In this episode, we learn how to make your games display nicely, across a wide variety of devices.

    WEEK 7 PROTOTYPE - Abram Appleton




  • dop2000 Thanks heaps for the tip, it works perfectly :)

  • Hi guys

    I'm using C3 official Tween plugin and trying to tween the angle of a sprite.

    I'm using something like this > Tween property Angle to self.angle + 270

    The problem I've noticed, is that C3 chooses to go the shortest way, so it might turn the sprite Counter clockwise 90 degrees, because it's shorter than going 270 degrees clockwise.

    Is there a way to the direction?

    Thank you in advance for any help :)

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  • Ashley Sorry, just in case you missed my previous question, I just wanted to ask about the slow / stuttery Cordova exports again ...

    So, from what I understand there is nothing that can be done to improve this unless Google fixes the bug/issue?

    Thank you!

  • Ashley Same issue in both ... web app works perfectly smooth, and the debug apk is very stuttery.

  • Ashley Thank you for the reply. I've tried both r136 stable and the new r139. I've had a look, and my phone does indeed use this 'Mali-G51 MP4' GPU.

    It's a shame this, as my game runs perfectly fine on an old iPhone 5s, and yet on a new Android it looks like it's struggling. I'm kind of hesitant releasing an app on Android because of this.

    So, from what I understand there is nothing that can be done to improve this unless Google fixes the bug/issue?

  • Ashley My device is HUAWEI Nova 3i with Android 8.1, but I've also tried on Galaxy s7. Both of these phone run the Web version perfectly smooth, but as soon as the game is Cordova wrapped, there is noticeable stutter / slowdown.

    On iOS this doesn't seem to be an issue, and the game run smoothly all around - right now there is the freezing issue though.

    It's frustrating as the game looks so good as a Web app, yet as Cordova it looks horrible. I'm not really sure how to bug report this... Should I provide a small project that you guys can build for android and test?

  • Hi guys

    Just wondering if anyone might have some ideas here. I've tried wrapping a few of my games using Cordova, and while testing the debug versions I notice they are quite jerky / stuttery. The Web versions on the Sam phone work perfectly smooth.

    I wod like to get to the bottom of this, but dont know where to start.

    Thanks in advance :)

  • I've just tried 'use worker' with r139, and it still seems to be broken.

  • - Ok cool :) At least we know what it is, and no problem!

  • - Ok, so I'm on Android v8.1 and everything seems to work fine on Chrome.

    Are you using any external plugins?

  • Im gonna try to export Tower Raid using r139 and see if it works on Chrome :)

    I'll let you know soon!

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