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  • Hey

    Thank again for your help

    I can animate the instances on the stage when I address them separately without issues.

    What I'm having a problem with, ia trying to use a loop to perform this.

    • Let say I have 3 instances on stage - I would like to loop through them and perform some kind of animation, with a 1 second pause in-between.
    • Now, if I add two more instances to the stage, I would like the loop to perform the same without changing the code.

    Thanks again!

  • Hi guys

    Thank you for your replies.

    What if I want to do this with something else, like changing the opacity etc.

    change 1st instance to 10%, wait a second, do the second and so on?

    Any idea how I would do this with a loop?

  • Hi guys

    I have a bunch of instances of an object on the screen.

    On solving the level, I would like to fade them out, starting with the 1st and waiting a second before starting the fade on the next instance.

    Could you guys help me to get this working as a loop?

    I've tried but all my instances seem to fade at the same time.

    If it helps, I've given each instance a name (instance variable set from 1-10).

    Thank you heaps in advance for any help

  • Hi 99Instances2Go

    Thanks heaps for your help! I've tried this but still can't get it working. Even after I unscramble all the letters, nothing happens.

    I know it's something to do with the loop, as it's one area of C2 which I still don't completely understand.

    Not really sure how to event this properly. If you have any more suggestions that would be awesome

    *** EDIT ***

    Scratch that! I managed to figure it out

    There was a small issue with my events, but now it's working perfectly.

    Thank you again for your help!

  • Hi guys

    I need to loop through all the instances of a sprite on the stage, and test whether the instances current frame, is equal to a frame preset in the instances "instance variable".

    All of the instance on the stage must pass this before the level is solved.


    Example - instance1 has its variable set to 2, and instance2 has its variable set to 4.

    This is just mockup code ...

    if instance1.frame == instance1.instanceVariable (2)

    and instance2.frame == instance2.instanceVariable (4)


    do something...


    Could someone help me to get this working as a loop?

    Thank you very much in advance!

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  • Hi guys

    Just wanted to let you know, that I've just released my latest game -

    Hope you guys have fun, and please let me know what you think

    Thank you!

  • The same is happening to me.

  • Love the style! Your game looks awesome

  • glerikud - I 100% agree! I'm not saying, make the front page a portal. I think Scirra should be selective and only put up polished games. Also, I'm not talking about hosting the games either - only put up screenshots + links to the respective websites or stores.

    I think that the Clickteam front page is a really good example of this. They have a slider where they feature new "Standout'" games. A similar setup would be very easy to do and would give newcomers and people struggling, the needed confidence in the product.

    I love C2, and wish there was an easier way for people who visit the site, to find 'the cream of the crop', instead of having to search through the forums.

    PS. I do love the new Social Media Promotion - that is awesome, so again thank you Scirra

  • spacedoubt - the same games have been there for as long as I can remember - people like seeing fresh stuff. I'm not saying remove them, just update with new content and keep some sort of special page dedicated to standout content.

    OddConfection - thanks for the heads up, I've somehow missed that Hopefully it will be considered in the future.

  • Hi Ashley + Scirra team

    I just read your blog post, regarding promoting developers games via social media, and I have to say - I love you guys!

    I just wanted to ask, whether you would consider 'Front Paging' standout games on the Scirra website?

    I think this would lead a lot of newcomers, to form a quicker decision, on whether to use the software or not. It would also provide some proof/inspiration, to people having problems in getting their games on mobile etc.

    I think this a great opportunity and works both ways. It is free advertising for Scirra/C2, and it helps developers in return.

    Please let us know whether this is something you would be willing to implement in the near future

    PS. Thank you for an awesome product!

  • [quote:ffwfcdab]Good luck with the competitors that will offer Native and HTML5 export with a visual editor.

    TheRealDannyyy - I respect your opinion, but from my experience this is not as lucrative as it sounds. I've tried multiple visual editors that offer HTML5 and Native (eg Stencyl, MMF2.5, Godot etc.) and I find that none of them do everything well. They try to foucs on covering everything (jack of all trades) and evrything ends up slightly broken + it never gets fixed, because the resources aren't there for the maintenance.

    In these "jack of all trades engines" , there are usually very big problems with performance (HTML5), scaling bugs and I could go on.

    Construct 2 does HTML5 very well - to the point that I can be confident offering licences to sponsors, as I know my game won't break - and if by any chance it does, I know that the Scirra team is on top of it and any critical bugs will be fixed soon.

    The other issue is that I'm yet to find an engine in which you can put a game together as quick as you can in C2 - this alone makes C2 trump anything out there.

    In my search for a replacement too for Flash, I stumbled upon engines like "Spark", which is about a year overdue for its beta release - which leads me to believe, that even once it's out, the updates will be few and far between. Quite frankly I would be surprised if anything came out, that would flawlessly export to all platforms without any issues. I don't believe, that these companies have the resources to maintain their engines from that many angles (sufficiently).

    C2 is a quality product which I feel confident using, my latest game runs smoothly on an iPhone 5s which is already generations behind.

    I personally fully support Scirra in sticking to their guns (HTML5), focusing on whats important, and do it well (like they have been doing).

    PS. People also forget that HTML5 is a market of it's own and can be monetized just like the app store.

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