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  • Hi Ashley and Tom

    Just wanted to bump this topic to see whether there might be some workarounds to the above problem later - e.g.. using alternate sound files to support these buggy browsers?

    I know you guys are busy so thanks in advance for your reply!

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  • Hi 99Instances2Go

    Thank you for the detailed reply

    I will play with around with your suggestions and see what I can come up with.

    I really appreciate you help!

  • Hi NetOne

    Thank you for testing

    I've filed a bug report and it seems to only happen on certain phones (possibly Galaxy phones) as they use their own default browser which has a bug in it.

    Ashley filed a bug report with samsung to get this sorted.

  • Hi Ashley ... Tom and the rest of the Construct team

    Recently I filed a bug report about sound not working in the default browser on a Galaxy S7 (also galaxy S8 I think), and some other android phones I've tested at a local shop.

    Ashley was very helpful and explained that this problem lies with Samsung as there is a bug in their browser and that he lied an issue with them.

    Just for context, I love everything that the Scirra team are doing and also own a business license for C3, as I'm planning on using it quite seriously.

    The problem I have here is that this bug (from my tests) seem to affect a lot of phones. Even if it is only Samsung phones - that is a really big slice of the pie. My main reason for using C3 is the reason that it works so well across a bunch of devices and I can be confident people will be able to play my game without issues.

    I understand the Scirra can't keep on top of every single thing, but I do think that this sort of bug is quite major and there needs to be some sort of workaround. Perhaps using a different sound format that WILL work (as a backup).

    It is quite scary to think that, my games working or not on certain devices lies in the hands of a manufacturer.

    I again want to stress that I love Scirra's products, but in this case I am quite concerned, as I have no idea how long Samsung will take to fix this problem.

    Thank you!

  • Hi 99Instances2Go

    Thank you for the suggestion, I've been playing around with sliding it along a ground object, but I was wondering whether there is a way to have a sort of physics 'motor' or 'joint' that will limit to only horizontal movement?

  • Hi guys

    I've been playing around with physics and its fun, but I'm having trouble with something that seems like it should be pretty simple.

    Is there a way to move a physics object along horizontal axis only (using a joint possibly). Basically I'm trying to get an object to slide from left to right and back again.

    Any ideas would be awesome

    Thank you!

  • Hi guys

    I just wanted to ask whether anyone here has had any issues loading C3 games on an Android browser ( I think its the stock browser, notr Chrome ).

    I've uploaded some test levels and they load fine on iOS but not on Android.

    I've tested this on a bunch of phones (family and friends)

    If you guys could just let me know if these two levels work for you on Android devices, that would be really awesome

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi Nepeo

    No worries, thank you for your reply

  • Hi Guys

    Does anyone know whether it's possible to create folders in the C3 Dropbox folder, when loading files from the cloud?

    I've tried but they don't seem to show.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi guys

    I know that you can get your game to communicate with the html page the game is sitting in, BUT is there a way for the game to communicate with another html page?

    For example ...

    Let's say I have an INDEX.HTML page with a thumbnail leading to my game page (GAME.HTML)

    When I play the game and reach a certain level, I would like to change the thumbnail on INDEX.HTML

    Is there anyway to do this?

    Thank you heaps for any help on this

    Yay, got my license

  • Hi Tom

    Awesome, I'll get started right away

    Thanks heaps for the quick reply!

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