Hi, i wanna make a jigsaw puzzle game but i dont know how to make when one piece is overlapping another and is the correct piece and the correct side get join and cant unjoin, someone know how? thx =) and sorry for my bad english
ooo xD thx :D
thx :D
Hi, i have a problem, when i move my chracter get blur or something like that, heres the caps dl.dropbox.com/u/97143298/game.capx thx =)
Hi, im making a rpg game, so i wanna put animations, like players move automatic in some scens... Sorry for my bad english xD
hehe, i never try to make chiptune but i think isnt hard, let me try one and then i show us (sry for my bad english xD)
Mmmh i never try to do chiptune but maybe i can do it =)
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
thx, and sorry for double post
thx a lot :D
yeah, that can be the problem?
yeah, ill change it spanish D:
heres the capx xD dropbox.com/s/zhtywjql1n9tajy/shootergame.capx
Member since 9 Aug, 2012