Apfelguts's Recent Forum Activity

  • Quick post to show some of these peeps in action

    Man, love the office setting Yet again I'm smiling. Is that an Illy or a Nespresso coffee machine? My girlfriend is jealous of the guy on the right eating doughnuts. She wants me to pick up a box with 6 pink ones from Dunkin's after office hours, haha.

    Cannot wait for more!

  • Thanks for playing the game and commenting! People showing interest in this motivates me to add more to it (instead of working on other projects).

    Yeah, I am still interested in the future of your "Office" themed game I will reply in more detail on Monday.

    Not sure where this is coming from? I live in the states. Did I reference Australia somewhere? I am really curious now.

    Was I mistaken or did a certain "exotic location" look an aweful like the map of Australia? I apologise if my geography skills are out of place, haha.

  • I think it looks interesting. Is Blue the Dino wall jumping like Mega Man or is he/she double jumping like Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night?

    Does the horn have an attack capability or is it just a character design?

  • Hei Badmoodtaylor,

    Just got back from vacation and had the opportunity to test your game in more detail during the travels.

    Let me just say that I am still hot and thirsty after my first playthroughs

    I did not manage to find the green easter egg, despite trying to follow all possible eye clues that might have indicated that I was on the right path.

    I think I wasted more than 30 shurikens on the ninjastar vending machine, hoping that would be one of the easter eggs. I should have read the description in this thread in advance where it clearly states its only purpose. Or perhaps there's more to it? :hehe

    I will not lose against the easter bunny in retreiving the final egg but might ask for a clue if I cannot find it by the end of the week.

    By the way, I tested the game on my laptop and also my cell phone and tablet. The directional pad when using the touch function was a little too rigid. By that I mean, it was quite hard to hit the correct direction unless you were spot on (especially left). This might be something I just have to get used to, but perhaps if there is a "bigger" active touchfield surrounding the arrows, it will make it easier to move around? I had to switch back to the laptop cause of it.

    Also, on the laptop, if I used the mouse and touched somewhere around the playing field, the touch control interface would pop up but I did not figure out how to remove it. This kind of blocked the view in the bottom left and right areas so I would have to reload the game. How do I toggle it on and off?

    Cannot remember if I used Firefox or Chrome. Sorry!

    It is too long since I played the first Zelda, so cannot recall if the enemies got pushed onto the next screen when hit, like in your game. Is this intentional?

    From Link to the Past, I know that the enemies stay on the same screen when pushed into or hit into the sides.

    What is your connection to Australia?

  • In no particular order, here are my definite favorites:

    Tonberry - Final Fantasy series

    Guybrush Threepwood - Monkey Island series

    Bowser - Super Mario series

    Jacky - Virtua Fighter series

    Samanousuke Akechi - Onimusha series

  • The dog emblem shows that you are not a super ninja, not even a medium ninja, you're a beginner. You will become something more through the course of the game. Not because you get all new powers, but because you become super good at playing the game. Then you will become a "Super" Ninja.

    Ah, thank you very much for the quick response. So by completing higher levels, your emblem will change accordingly? Or will it change depending on how many run-throughs you have had. For instance, beginner difficulty level is "dog" and normal difficulty is another? Or does it progress through the exact same play-through?

    Sorry if I am asking questions which forces you to reveal more than intended at this stage in the production

    By the way, the moves list you pointed out just got me majorly excited about using Ibuki in Street Fighter 5, which is being released today!

    Alright, good luck further with the great looking project.

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  • 5) Youtube video's - Having a youtube video so users caan see the functionality of your games and apps is a free way of getting more users to your game or app. Also youtube is a gateway to help your game or app go VIRAL especially if the artwork is high quality.

    I really like the idea of YouTube videos. I used to run an independent video game store over 15 years ago and always imported Japanese gaming magazines that came with DVDs that showed in-game and behinds-the-scenes footage of new and obscure titles. We showed this to customers who visited the shop. When YouTube and other similar services came around, they unfortunately could not afford to provide the magazines anymore but I remember to always go on YouTube to find and download game footage there. I discovered plenty new games and would eagerly send URL-links to friends and colleagues.

    It might seem like a lot of work but marketing is really the only way to accomplish earning a decent income off of apps and helps with the luck factor.

    I even had my own YouTube channel back in 2005 but struggled figuring out what truly made something go viral. One footage I thought was great got only 1000 views, while another got 260 000! Now many people make a living off of YouTube. I obviously googled the topic and found a few nice articles that gave a reasonable overview of how you can use YouTube to make money:

    https://www.1and1.com/digitalguide/onli ... n-youtube/

    It mostly covers tips and tricks for YouTubers themselves, but since advice #5, that is given by PixelPower, is to create a YouTube video or channel, may of the pointers mentioned will be a good way to become acquinted with how it works? Like how YouTube functions commercially for instance.

    Apparently, if a YouTube footage of your game is used as an AD on someone's channel, it has to be seen by the viewer for at least 30 seconds for the YouTuber to make money from it. The guide also suggest to interact and become active with other YouTube channels by leaving comments and sharing your opinion using video responses <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Anyway, I thought it was a good and brief insight into the world of commercial YouTube that I wasn't aware of earlier, so hopefully some other users can get learn a little from it too <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Wow, I'm truly impressed with what's possible with the Construct 2 tool! This was the first game I ever played (on the Commodore 64, not the arcade) and seeing a similar style now playable in my browser is making me excited about the future

    I first tested it without sound but later came back because I wanted to listen to the superb Outrun soundtrack. Surprisingly (or expectedly), the soundtrack was different but super enjoying to listend to while playing. I wanted to get back to work while still listening to the soundtrack. However, as soon as I switch tabs, the music stops

    Using two screens with separate or new browsers let me work on one screen while listening to the soundtrack with the game running on the other

    Anyway, phenomenal stuff.

  • the juicy potato

  • Hi Callan,

    I like to play games in order to disconnect from reality, still pretend I'm part of some world that is close to reality. Meaning, I truly enjoy the games with consequences similarly to what user "Farhal" mentions. However, even though I haven't necessarily played the games he listed, examples of games I love and "want to be in on" are life-like games like Shenmue, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Detroit (possibly), Yakuza and Until Dawn.

    In other words, life-like consequences that I can experience in games rather than risk in real life

  • First of all, I'm really excited about the future chance to play this game. I'm a massive fan of all the games that Cyber Shadow lends its style to.


    Collect skills from your clansmen which will be mapped to button combos similar to fighting games to allow you to use them without entering a menu.

    Can you explain a little further with regards to the type of button combos you are referring to? Will you be able to do "command/motion" type combos or will they be based on consecutive button presses, similarly to chain combos?

    From the pictures, the ninja seem to have a "dog" emblem (chinese character) and then switches to "shurikens". What state is the ninja in while he is in "dog" mode? Does this refer to the lowest level state, some type of "under training" with only the Katakana to use, or does he have special capabilities here?

    Man, I wish there were a DEMO for this to check the responsiveness of the controls!

  • To me, the fighting game genre seems to have had a ton of crossover releases and guest appearances since forever. A more recent (2012) "fan" created game that I enjoyed was the "Megaman VS Street Fighter" release which was announced at the 25th Anniversary of Street Fighter event, celebrating 25 years since the official Japanese release date of "Rockman", the Japanese title of Mega Man.

    Although not fan created, I personally remember playing X-men VS Street Fighter in the arcades back in 1996

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Member since 8 Jun, 2016

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