Is the "Press start" button flashing? (this will tell you if this event sheet is active or not)
You can do all this a bit easier: ... .capx?dl=0
Edit: oddly, it works perfectly in Firefox, however in Chrome the right X axis is always 0. Not sure why, maybe it's just my gamepad.
See this demo: ... .capx?dl=0
I'm not a fan of using "Or" with triggered events. Try splitting your event #7 into two - one On keyboard key pressed and one On gamepad key pressed, without "Or".
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
—, none of the settings on Compatibility tab helped in my case.
Basically you do this:
On every tick: Set Layout scale to lerp(LayoutScale, newScale , dt*6)
LayoutScale is a system expression for current scale.
newScale is a variable.
change "6" to other number if you want to zoom faster or slower.
Not all Windows 10 users are affected, which, I guess, makes it very difficult to found the cause of this problem.
Are you rebooting your laptop daily? Do you install all windows updates as they become available?
Did you set it in C2 preferences, or in project properties?
AbusiveChAoS In your capx sprite2 scales, but it doesn't adjust its position.
gibbon , Is this what you wanted? ... .capx?dl=0
Try changing your events to something like this (screenshot from someone else's game):
Set Unbounded scrolling=yes on the layout
When playing audio, don't leave the tag field empty.
Then you'll be able to stop audio with a specific tag.
Audio tag "textSound" is playing -> Audio stop tag "textSound"
Member since 26 May, 2016