So if there are 2 slimes overlapping the Hero, you need to show another text with damage? What if there are 3 or more slimes?
I think what you need is something like this:
Hero on frame change Hero animation frame=2 Hero animation "Attack" is playing Slime is overlapping Hero System for each Slime Slime subrtact Hero.attack from Health Slime spawn DamageText DamageText set text to Hero.attack DamageText Move to (140+loopindex*20, 310)
On every tick you set Player sprite position to PlayerSolid sprite position, which is off-screen.
What do you need it for? You can't simulate it, but you can simply run the same code you have in "On button pressed" event. For example, the same function.
What worked for me was moving to use the Cordova CLI 9.0.0 locally (on a Mac.)
Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do.. But I have very limited knowledge of Mac OS and Cordova CLI, and have never built IOS apps this way.
Do you know any good tutorials?
kcalpesh It does, in Construct 3. Construct 2 will not get any new features.
In C3 you can easily find all references for any object or variable.
Many paid templates are using third party plugins, so it should be fine as long as the plugin is non-commercial. I suggest including the plugin files with your template, because it's sometimes hard to find a working download link for abandoned plugins..
Set grid position to:
It works for me. If I do "Set grid position (instant)", the character sprite teleports and stops, does not continue previous movement.
It's super easy to make your own progress bar with a sprite or TiledBackgroud object.
BarSprite set width to (progress*500)
Where progress is a number from 0 to 1, and 500 is the maximum width.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can you post your C3 project file, or a screenshot of the event list?
And also this JSON data in text format (not as a picture).
Have you tried opening this php directly from the browser address bar? If it outputs "[object Object]" (and not a JSON string) on the screen, then you will know that the problem is in the PHP code.
Why do you need this value in "On item set"? This event is triggered immediately after "Set item" action. So you should still have this value stored in a variable (or array/dictionary/etc.), you don't need to read it back from local storage.
Member since 26 May, 2016