You need to use blend modes. Destination Out, for example. You can simply create a circle sprite under the mouse cursor on every tick, which will "erase" the top picture, revealing the picture under it.
Or you can draw this circle on a Drawing Canvas, the principle is the same.
When you parse the text file, your names contain a line break in the beginning. If you make the text objects much bigger (taller), you will see it.
Add trim() expression - trim(tokenat(tokenat(AJAX.LastData, i, "|"),1, ";"))
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brunopalermo Actually, with multidimensional arrays in Construct is equivalent to,0) or,0,0)
MarkoMx Run the game in Debug Mode, select your text objects on the left, check if they contain text or not.
You can rotate the platform either with actions (like "Set angle") or with Tween behavior, when player is overlapping it on one of the sides.
Or you can try Physics - only on the platform, not on the player. Create a limited revolute joint and apply force to one of the sides.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Maybe there is another event that moves the camera?
Try debugging - add Browser object and "Browser Log" actions to your events, then when previewing the game press F12 and open console tab. You will be able to see in the console which events are triggered and when.
Addons is the most tricky part. Some popular addons have been ported for C3 (LiteTween, MoveTo, Pin+ etc.) For others you may need to find an alternative, for example Canvas/Paster can be replaced with the official DrawingCanvas, but of course you'll need to rewrite some events.
Here are some useful links:
Yeah, it's the same for me. You can insert images if you edit your comment though. I logged a bug report:
Your camera Moves To the same point on every tick. So on every tick both events 15 and 16 in scr_General are triggered, toggling your character's time scale between 0 and 1.
I guess this messes up with Flash behavior and as a result, your character gets stuck in invisible state.
You should only order your camera to move to a new position when it's different from its current position.
"Sort Z order" action is actually better for performance. But since I only sort two objects on every tick (not all trees in the forest), I guess my method should also be fine. Anyway, if you have too many objects and notice that z-sorting them is slowing the game down, try "Sort Z order" with a variable.
"Wait 0" is simply to wait for all trees to be created, before initially sorting them.
Disable "Set angle" in event 16, and enable "Set angle=smooth" in behavior properties.
Also, if you want more precise control, use "Set vector X/Y" actions (instead of "Simulate control")
Check out these links:
I didn't try them though.
Also, Construct 3 is supposed to work faster, you can try switching to C3.
Member since 26 May, 2016