okay yeah set text every 0.1 secs now its blinking so that means that it sets text to "bot5" every tick
forgot to share ze link drive.google.com/file/d/1WuCyE-1nuVZWH8sZmdbjbz2QYWWfhJ82/view
When you parse the text file, your names contain a line break in the beginning. If you make the text objects much bigger (taller), you will see it.
Add trim() expression - trim(tokenat(tokenat(AJAX.LastData, i, "|"),1, ";"))
Thank you a lot, it helped.
But I didnt use trim, I rather draged all the boxes to no.1 place like in the screenshot. Now I can finnaly try to make an online leaderboard instead of this offline one. Thanks.
This is not a good solution, better use trim.
Okay in which event does trim go? in the loop or start of the layout???
Everywhere you have tokenat(tokenat(AJAX.LastData, i, "|"),1, ";") - wrap it in trim():
trim(tokenat(tokenat(AJAX.LastData, i, "|"),1, ";"))
Okay done thanks
How do I add a new sccira arcade leaderboard to my game? I can only edit versions and description and stuff. I added Sccira arcade object and there is an action to submit your score to a leaderboard with an ID which I dont have??
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
brunopalermo Actually, with multidimensional arrays in Construct array.at(X) is equivalent to array.at(X,0) or array.at(X,0,0)
Hmmm... Didn't know that! Thanks for the info.