You position the objects, and then run this action: Sprite1 add child Sprite2
It's easier to do this manually in the layout editor.
I have a demo but it's not very good:
Add Browser object and use this expression: Browser.QueryParam("name")
Set var to Browser.QueryParam("name")
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Set what up? Please explain the issue.
You can use hierarchy, it works like Pin. And it allows to disable angle sync with the parent.
If this doesn't help, please post some pictures explaining what are you trying to do, or a project file.
You can connect them with hierarchy (in layout editor or with events).
Or use Pin behavior.
Looks like this collection has been removed from
Found an issue with the ScrollView addon - inertia is not adjusted to the frame rate. It's super fast on 240hz monitor and very slow at 50hz.
Here is how to fix it - make the following changes in the instance.js:
line 654: this.scroll.decelerationVelocityX *= (1-6*this.runtime.GetDt(this.content)); line 660: this.scroll.decelerationVelocityY *= (1-6*this.runtime.GetDt(this.content));
But there is a chance this is by design and not a bug.
Random point on the layout -
X: random(layoutWidth)
Y: random(layoutHeight)
Random point on the screen -
X: random(ViewportLeft(layer), ViewportRight(layer))
Y: random(ViewportTop(layer), ViewportBottom(layer))
So the tip of the projectile in the sprite is at -90 degrees (pointing up), correct?
The easiest solution is to simply rotate the image in the animation editor.
If you can't do that for some reason, you can also disable "set angle" in Bullet properties and set the angle on every tick to Self.Bullet.MovingAngle+90
Use a spritefont or hide the texts while the window is resizing. You can fade them in once the tween is finished.
I don't understand.. The origin point doesn't rotate, it's the center of rotation of a sprite.
Do you want to rotate the sprite around a different point?
Member since 26 May, 2016