fathijack1999's Recent Forum Activity

  • I think you should put this,, This is from my way. for me not mirror at player mean it is face to the right

    -Player on collusion with Crate > Crate.X + 2

    Player mirror is invert or Player go right (another condition)

    if the player is from right and your character is not mirror

    -Player on collusion with Crate > Crate.X - 2

    Player is mirror or Player go left(another condition )

    when player is mirror

    here -2 and +2 just to make the crate move smothly also dont forget the crate need to be solid

  • sadism so the timer? it is based on a global variable ?

  • I cant download it.. I have a low connection.

    But you can put system-Every tick l spawnplanes set position to sprite.x and .y or

    `` l spawn planes set position to object sprite at image point ..

  • No no,, What u need is change the sine properties.. If you dont know where it is , it is at your left screen when you click the sprite. Set the magnitud to 50.. This one is a test you can change it at your will and other one is in the properties to but it is a list of vertical , harizontal .....etc

    click harizontal

  • Me me....

  • May I know what kind of tutorial is that ?

    I have a low connection so i cant view any video or download for now

  • I`m not sure about using cacoon.io , couze I use Cardova in Intel XDK.

    Of course you dont have to download the software ,Intel XDK

    But when your HTML (Construct 2) after export to HTML.. try play it by double click the index...

    For me after I export the game to HTML in a folder ,it will (index) will appear with chrome icon

    Then you can try to format it using the cacoon.io to .apk...

    If in "Index work well, and in .apk dont ...

    You may need a new to upgade only related things(not recommended). Sorry It`s been awhile after my last . apk game so I kinda dont remember it well

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  • do you use text box to show the 3 hours before?

    is that after the button is click? i mean if you use text box as a thing to show your time , do you put it at Event (Button click)

    or (every tick)- should use this one

    2- after the time is finish like global varible is equal 0 , the set value . is that it?

  • Set invisibility?

    I think visibility is a bit ambiguous as it implies multiple states of opacity.


  • Click Buy ?? a sprite or button ? sadism

    Why dont you just destroy the button

  • dont understand man,,, Make it simple for us to know problem

  • DO you use bullet the monster ?? If yes, set the speed to slow as you want

    And you can also make animation vibrating the monster by duplicate the monster frame and change the original point ( at the moster image editor ) and make it looping (OPTIONAL)

    Set the angle of the monster to the sprite.X and .Y

    SO that`s all i Think

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Member since 26 May, 2016

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