ArcadEd's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just to give every an update. Here are the videos that I have recorded.

    1. Understanding Screen Resolutions.

    2. Setting up your app to work on multiple resolutions in C2

    3. CocoonJS Banner Ads in C2 setup.

    4. CocoonJS FullScreen Ads in C2 setup.


    Mopub: Setting up the ads for your apps.

    Linking Mopub and Admob and iAds

    Configuring CocoonJS Cloud Compiler for your Ads



    iOS - Game Center and Achievements

    Creating a Facebook App and adding ads to it.

    Google Play Games as soon as we can.

  • What everyone else has said. I want to stress that getting an answer on WebRTC support is going to be crucial. Having the ability to create multiplayer games for iOS is a must, for me anyway .

  • I'll check back in the morning, but as of right now, still nothing for me.

  • Well to be fair, this is the first time I have ever had issues with Ads, and I don't believe it's a CocoonJS or C2 problem. Pretty sure it's MoPub, which happens to be the ad service Cocoon supports.

    It's not as easy as just adding support for ads in c2. Each ad service (AdMob, iAds, Inmobi, etc) all have different frameworks or sdks that need to be installed in order for them to work. Then you need to add support for which platform (ios, droid,etc), as they all handle it differently.

    I don't think Ludei gets enough credit around here for all they have actually done in getting most everything working with a single compilation system. It's pretty amazing once you get down to it. Are they slow to update? Sure. I have learned to just work around issues until they are fixed. They have said to me and several others that a new C2 plugin is coming soon. Soon to them could mean a few months.

  • Well I have support emails out to MoPub and Ludei.

    I think the issue is on MoPub's side because they are getting the requests from the app, mopub just isn't getting anything from AdMob or iAds

  • Curious if anyone else has noticed this over the past few days.

    I am getting requests, but no impressions. It appears that either something is broke between Mopub and Admob (and iAds, I use both).

    I was just curious if anyone else had noticed this. It caught my eye as AdMob was warning of my apps not getting requests for the past 3 days.

    Then I noticed these were apps I was using banner ads with CJS and Mopub. My fullscreen ads seem to be not effected.

  • You need to create a sandbox game center account. I don't remember exactly how you do, try doing a google search.

    I know when I test my games through xcode, my device automatically logs into my sandbox account.

  • OK, is it like a top down, 8way movement type of game, or side view platformer type?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I usually use the MoveTo (3rd party behavior by rex)

    Then put invisible sprite blocks around. MoveTo block 1 and on collision, move to the next block.

  • How are you creating the APK? Cocoon, Crosswalk, phonegap?

    I usually just put it in my dropbox and access my dropbox from my device and install it that way.

  • Using variables.

    This tutorial might help you get started.

  • You might need to be little more specific as to what you are trying to do. Do you have an example?

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