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  • Yeah, tried that too.

    If you open up your zip, did it add any files too it?

  • Wink

    Ok, so it seems like no matter what I put for the path, it always creates the libraries in the directory pendertools is located.

    It's called PenderAndroidLibrary

    I can delete it, run ./pendertools -p (no matter what I put here)

    it always goes into the pendertools directory. I've tried every which way to do a path, even duplicated your setup ( in root of c, then used c:/

  • Man, I can't confirm it's doing anything. My zip file modified time is never changing and neither is any of the files in the zip.

    I tested with phonegap build and it was just as slow as without, so I don't think it's actually injecting anything.

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  • OK, I was just checking because my ZIP file modified date didn't change at all.

    I'm going to follow your steps first (I was using Github for windows before and not cygwin) and see what it does.


    I do love CocoonJS and what they have accomplished. I just don't like their splash screen and monetizing options (mopub). That is why I like to build in eclipse, so I can manually add the admob sdk.

    If Cocoon every went to native admob and iads support, plus removed the cocoon splash screen, I would just do it that way. I would even pay for the service when/if they offer it.

  • How can you tell if it's been injected?

  • OK, so I got it installed. Always love learning new stuff :).

    Anyway, now when I try to build with Pender I get

    $ ./pendertools -p /c/java/

    PenderTools: Creating Library Project

    ./pendertools: line 81: android: command not found

    grep: invalid option -- o

    Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...

    Try `grep --help' for more information.

    android create lib-project --name Pender --target 0 --path /c/java/kaplow-pend.z

    ip/PenderAndroidLibrary --package com.pender

    ./pendertools: line 73: android: command not found

    I don't expect you know how to help with this, but figured I would post it up :).

  • Wink

    That's awesome. I'm running into an issue just getting Pender. Any advice?

    Using: git clone

    Cloning into 'Pender-android'...

    Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

    ERROR: Repository not found.

    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights

    and the repository exists.


  • Actually this seems easier than CYGwin.

    However, all the linux stuff hurts my head. LOL

  • I just got as far as installing Cygwin, I quickly tried the git command and it's not found. Later tonight I might play around with it, or tomorrow.

    Make sure you are not just using a windows command prompt, you need cygwin installed. Maybe a quick google of git and cygwin will find a good result.

    OK, so yeah. You need to select those packages during the install.

  • Ohh. I'm going to look into this right away. I'll post up here :).

  • Maybe everyone that wants a native exporter should start up a kickstarter to raise the funds to throw at someone to make it. I'd chip in :).

    However, I with the others. C2 is a HTML5 game making tool, and I am having a blast with it. Do I wish it exported natively to iOS? Damn right, hell I would would pay for that exporter right now. It is what it is though.

  • Same for me, I run it on my Windows 8 PC as well.

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