Thanks for the discussions on transparency.
Nice work as per usual!
Great vids! I am working on an inventory system also and got a few new ideas from this.
Nice release looking forward to exploring it.
A constrained camera would helpful (if full 3D free camera would be too much to do.)
Nice work!
Nice work on the tutorial!
You are welcome! Let us know when we can wishlist your game on Steam, good luck!
You could look at using the steam web api for what you want:
Use C3 JS scripting with fetch or ajax to do this. Note the warnings, do not use any APIs from the client that require a 'key' (app auth key.)
I see, unfortunately greenworks (the library this and other C3 steam plugins are built on) does not support requesting that.
Here's what currently supported (and I think I exposed all of these with the plugin.)
Thanks! Can you point me to documentation on this and I'll review.
Great interview, love the fluid and flashy animation. Keep up the amazing work and I’ll definitely be joining the KS and hoping for great success there!
No plans at this time.
No, this will not do that function. Possibly, one way to do it would be to create a new behavior for something like that in C3.
Great year of releases and features, well done! Favorites: hierarchies and local folder saves for git collab with C3 project teams.
Great diary Skymen, congrats on a really productive 2020, during a tough year. Looking forward to more 'reveals' of Sooth, the main PC looks cool.
Member since 22 Apr, 2016